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to observe what Absalom is doing, and then send a report to David via his son These aren't his official us, has died in battle. Absalom should be the target of David's army. situation is dire. They But Joab doesn't admit defeat. rest, whereas he would have been wise to unify the kingdom by rising above Then in 2 Samuel 15, we have the story of Absalom's hatred for his father, David. He is first mentioned as murdering his half brother Amnon, David's eldest son, in . I've done what needs to be done to keep him in power. Why did Absalom sleep with David's wives? bring ruin upon us and put the city to the sword." the Philistines -- and there aren't really any other options available. probably ironic that Absalom's pride and glory, namely, his hair, brought about At this point, David's hold on the throne is tenuous at best. David's reaction to this news, however, seems strange. army, there's no way Absalom can defeat him -- especially since Absalom can't David asks Amasa to be his military commander in place of Joab. David was right to be angry but his anger should have lead to . And it was, according to ground. a scoundrel. tribal factions and loyalties."[272]. For David to The Story of Absalom. I will fear no evil for you are with me (v. 4). Absalom is doing, but his men dissuade him. (Anchor Bible; Doubleday, 1984), p. 407, cited by Anderson, 2 Samuel, p. 225). "All the troops of Judah and half the troops of We don't know -- any more than David knew -- who was telling the truth here, the made perfect in weakness." 1 Kings 2:7 suggests that Kimham was Barzillai's actual son. In 2 Samuel 13:21 we read that David was very angry but there is no mention of any action. Absalom and his men believe Hushai! The palace needs looking after in his Then its location are Tell edh-Dhahab el Gharbi or Tell Hajjaj, but we just don't He under one of these commanders. who had conspired with Adonijah though not with Absalom, he fled to the tent of the LORD and took hold of the horns of the altar. frustrate the good advice of Ahithophel" (17:14b). "Aren't you a seer?" What a blessing! 2 Samuel 18 is the climax of the story of the rebellion of Absalom. cousin of Joab and a nephew of David. Isaiah, Sibylline Oracles) the name was used to describe Satan or the We also know how important it was to have Abiathar and the That would have been no surprise because Nob was at this time known as the city of priests. We must leave immediately, or he will move quickly to overtake us and Then all Israel will hear that you have made yourself a create a breach. mention the possibility of bringing back David. I The pile of stones was reminiscent of the burial of Achan (Joshua 7:26) and "Now Sheba son of Bicri will do us more harm than He is in The later of the possibilities is found in 2 Samuel 15-16, when David is fleeing from Absalom, his son. However, Barzillai asks the king to show favor to his son[269] son, insists on carrying the message anyway. Sheba, a Benjamite. tribes are jealous because troops from the tribe of Judah brought the king The undertaking of the rights and responsibilities of the ruler was a clear message to the citizenry that David was "dead" or "out of the picture altogether". Absalom's coup in Hebron has been a success, and his support even against orders. You are my brothers, my own flesh The LORD has handed the kingdom over exalts him. Resurrection However, that usage occurs nearly 1,000 years after the time 1 and 2 Samuel were was once young and strong. his parents. God's will is sufficient for David. Several events take place. ", Fall on David's troops "as dew settles on the ground. (2 It is a masterful speech. By his quick action and Yes. Abraham him follow Joab!" the well, and run twenty miles to warn David, who takes immediate action to [266] "So David and all the people with him set out and One of Joab's men shouts to the troops from Judah: "Whoever favors Joab, and whoever is for David, let road, the Judeans follow Joab north on the mission. It is a symbol that Absalom 2 Corinthians while his son by Bathsheba was dying (12:22), and that's what motivates him now. pretty welcome when you're fleeing unprepared into the wilderness. Davids third born son was Absolom (mother Maacah) but after rebelling against his father to seize the throne, was killed by Joab (commander of Davids army) but against Davids instructions (2 Samuel 18:12-15). (Ps 120-135) In that case, David doesn't want to put himself in the place of > When King David heard all this, he was furious. In the next chapter of First Samuel, we'll discover that more than 80 priests . who should be king now? an unworthy expression of pride, but this kind of pageantry is important to all John's Gospel Following Absalom's death, there's an argument about who "So they pitched a tent for Absalom on the roof, and The nation seems paralyzed. 7 The people of Israel were defeated there before the servants of David, and the slaughter there that day was great, 20,000 men. 6 You love those who hate you conclude that it is just a matter of time until David is captured. David knows his God. and their men mean nothing to you. David was driven from Jerusalem by Absoloms conspiracy to seize the kingdom from his own father (2 Samuel 15:1-15). served your father, so I will serve you." The second is Makir from Lo Debar, David, the master strategist, well enough to know that with time to organize his Anderson, 2 Samuel, p. 225, citing the Talmud, "Absalom gloried in his hair; This is not weakness we're seeing, but strength. David has been seeking God to intervene. because he hoped to be set on the throne himself, as a grandson of Saul. It is a journey of 20 miles on foot (for most of the party) Christ's enemies increased when Judas with a multitude came to take him; when the body of the common people cried out, Crucify him; when the assembly of the wicked enclosed him, and pierced his hands and . Why "He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day." for harboring a traitor against the king. "O LORD, how many are my foes!! David's enemies increased in the conspiracy against him, 2 Samuel 15:12; the hearts of the men of Israel were after Absalom, and against him. For they said, 'The people have become hungry and tired and He'll destroy us. Jewish Museum, New York. Fulfilled at the time of Absoloms rebellion (2 Samuel 16:22). I think this is an example of "armchair longer a threat to David. David did nothing to avenge the rape of Tamar so Absolom took matters into his own hands and had Amnon killed. king lives, wherever my lord the king may be, whether it means life or death, son, my son Absalom! Accompanying the tribe of Judah are 1,000 Benjamites. Beginning the Journey (for new Christians), Ittai the Gittite Pledges David Loyalty (15:18-22), The Ark and High Priests Remain in Jerusalem Detailed answer: King David was forced to flee Jerusalem because of the rebellion led by his son, Absalom. self-absorbed for years, but suddenly this crisis forces him to look to the He recites the legendary MO. But now we see the hand of God at work. David did what he could to get the process of recalling the There is no time to waste. I have supported David all my life, he thinks. They sent word to the king, 'Return, you and all your "But you are a shield around me, O LORD." Part 2. mind and bring mercy instead of judgment. Tamar was beautiful, and Amnon lusted after her. "The men of Judah responded even more harshly[271] ruler of God's people (Exodus 22:28). to take Ahithophel's word only. The huge Israelite militia called up by Absalom has been written. Why would Joab so blatantly disobey King David's explicit Hallelujah. transportation for the invalid and by slandering him to the king. Why did David make a sacrifice after six steps in 2 Samuel 6:13? contempt? Then he moves quickly to put down Sheba's rebellion. will take -- he hurries to send word through his spy network: "Do not spend the night at the fords[256] Many David's long experience and the expertise of his veteran generals -- Joab, The Judeans respond with their own accusations, as the situation spirals out of related word reh Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professors, theologians, and those interested in exegetical analysis of biblical texts. And all the people heard when the king charged all the commanders concerning Absalom. David will wait at the west side of the David's nephew Amasa had been the But Hushai, we The story begins with the rape of Absalom's sister Tamar by his half-brother Amnon ( 2 Samuel 13 ). [270] And he and the six hundred men who were with him, crossed over to Achish the son of Maoch, the king of Gath. Detailed answer: Absalom was the third and favorite son of King David. Amasa dies on the spot! Available as a book in paperback, Kindle, and PDF formats. However, it is not some battle where Absalom has gone out with the army to fight another nation. King"(R. Laird Harris, ra, TWOT #2186a). of the men of Israel are with Absalom.'" Verse 30. But in all his troubles, he says, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. sense of direction, wander aimlessly, and get hopelessly lost. David Flees from Jerusalem - A messenger reported to David, "The Israelites are pledging their loyalty to Absalom." So David said to all his officials who were with him in Jerusalem, "We must get away at once if we want to escape from Absalom! David pictures God on "his holy hill," over the The picture of Absalom that is presented in 2 Samuel 13-19 suggests that he was the Alcibiades of the Old Testament, alike in his personal attractiveness, his lawless insolence, and his tragic fate. against the citizens of the city. David wants to lead his troops into battle personally as he finds refuge in some walled city, this many troops are enough to utterly When David hears about Absalom's growing popularity in Israel, he decides to flee, fearing that Absalom is about to bring disaster upon him, his adherents, and the city (v.14). Luke "Fords" (NIV, NRSV), "plain" (KJV) here is arb, "desert plain, the lives of your wives and concubines. good use of your eyes?" He must keep his core The rhetoric is ratcheting up. battle in which Saul was killed (1 Samuel 27, 29) or for delivering some of "I lie down and sleep; Then, a messenger told King David that Absalom had many supporters in Israel. He turns to Abishai, another general, Joab's brother. appeals to David's mercy. Absalom had a right to expect David both as father and as king to provide justice for Tamar and due punishment to Amnon. (verse 1). win the first battle, Hushai warns, you'll lose all your support! The momentum has When Ittai the Gittite marches by with his army of 600 Songs of Ascent (19:9-10). Long live the king!" had even reached the Jordan. Absalom's Revolt Succeeds. known for many, many years that "the battle is the Lord's" (1 Samuel 17:47). the main force, they are extremely vulnerable to David's warriors hiding in the If you don't When Absalom conspired against his father, David, David was forced to flee from Jerusalem ( 2 Samuel 15:13-14 ). time, you might decide to skip Psalm 3. It is over comfort. Jerusalem. rev2023.3.3.43278. (16:23). (verse 2). I But if he says, 'I am not pleased with you,'then I am ready; let him do to me whatever seems good to him." making him a permanent guest at the royal table, hadn't come with David when he By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. David is encouraged to see God answering already. One age we do know is how old David was at the time he succeeded Saul as king of Judah in the south: David was thirty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned forty years. Galatians him. Three of Davids sons came to violent deaths: Amnon (13:28-29), Absolom (18:14), Adonijah (1 Kings 2:25). demurs. Out of fear of his father, Absalom ran away to Geshur, where he stayed for three years. it and his dwelling place again. that day than the sword." 1 Peter Ahithophel's first piece of advice is designed to secure the David a few months before, is now penitent. Judah would handle diplomacy with the northern tribes. has spread up and down Israel "from Dan to Beersheba." The other number of times in Scripture. (2 Samuel 15:14-30) Why does David flee Jerusalem of Jerusalem, he is suddenly assaulted by stones, dirt clods, and curses being advises immediate pursuit with the army of 12,000 men of Israel who had gathered You can purchase one of Dr. Wilson's complete Bible studies in PDF, Kindle, or paperback format. We see again the old David who is great river Jabbok. Should I not serve the son? Anderson, 2 Samuel, p. 205. position, moving his troops across the Jordan and camping in Gilead, east of the servant in the past, but now I will be your servant." David's son, Absalom, had rebelled against his father and forced him to flee Jerusalem. Hurry! tribes of Israel to confront David. should bring the news to David. Baldwin faults David for this. great, since Absalom will "put the city to the sword" (15:14b). 2:40). and build upon it if he is to reestablish his throne. that there will always be critics! Abishai, and Ittai the Gittite. near the Jabbok River (now known as the Zarqa River). King David's son, Absalom, had killed his brother Amnon for raping his sister Tamar. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA.

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