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You shall represent the people before God and bring their cases to God, and you shall warn them about the statutes and the laws, and make them know the way in which they must walk and what they must do. LORD I pray that Your perfect Shalom would cover the United States this week and put the people in awe of You. Thank You that You walk with children and families struggling against poverty and injustice, calling us to do the same. In the healthiest churches, we find a holy conspiracy between pastors who gladly care for the sheep, and sheep who do what they can so that the pastors might serve joyfully. Who Won the Chicago Mayors Race? What to Know on the Runoff I have been also praying to St. Anthony that the result of this presidential election will be Gods choice. Father, we have not blessed you as you,have blessed this nation. That this nation will not turn against Israel or take its stand among the enemies of Israel. Election Integrity The Presidential Prayer Team If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you (James 1:5). Salem Media Group. Lord, we pray that those who will look to You will gain office in our land. Amen. The Book of James tells us that we can know Your wisdom because it is pure, peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, and sincere. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in the Heaven! I believe you will answer my prayer at your appointed time. Pray that discourse would be civil and respectful during this time of polarizing views. We pray that this election and the victory we plead will be an enablement to a greater awakening and revival that will take this spiritual battle to the very gates of hell and that you will send a great hammer to smash the strongholds over this nation. This is a spiritual battle and God proves Himself in control and the victor over the occult. (Prv 29:2, 2 Tm 1:9, Ps 99:1-9), 2. Forgive us for celebrating unloving behavior in our candidates and our leaders. He is author of. Let them see in this Nation a Nation filled and overflowing with YOU, YOUR SPIRIT, YOUR GOODNESS, YOUR GOOD HEALTH AND YOUR GOOD WEALTH BUT MOST OF ALL WITH YOUR LIGHT LIFE LOVE AND LIBERTY LIBERTY LIBERTY FOR ONE AND FOR ALL Oh, So Be It To the Great Glory of God \o/ Amen. to know and understand the agendas of their parties. Amen and Amen, Lord, in the Name of Your Beloved Son Jesus Christ, we bind, gag, cripple, blind and render ineffective all anti-Christ, witchcraft, religious, deceptive spirits of satan and cast them into the Abyss. Only you, God, can calm his heart. Help us to keep our lamps full and trimmed as we continue to wait on the Groom to come carry away His bride. Is there rid of Bible verses listed above and prayed with all my heart soul and mind I could feel ABBA in heaven was right next to me and he heard all my prayer and he laid on my heart that he is with us and he will never abandon us. Honor the emperor (1Peter 2: 11-17). Things are already messed up enough in this country as it is, and a Joe Biden Presidency will only make matters worse. Every four years, the nation focuses on the national political arena, studies two candidates and two agendas, then decides between them ina presidential election. We cannot emphasize this enough Lord God that You would intervene in our affair mightily. We come to you this Election Day asking that you take aware any fear of the unknown and the future. live your love, Father, thank you for a President that elects Supreme Court Justices that understand Thou shalt not kill, supports Israel, Free Speech, and Freedom and know the difference between voting for a pastor and a president. WebIn preparation for Election Day, Priests for Life calls upon believers to say this prayer each day. Pray for Gods purposes to be fulfilled in our nation. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. I humbly come into the Holy of Holies, your Heavenly Court to bring my petition of voters fraud directly to YOU; today is the Elections Day D day! Because it's really easy to avoid the Bible's commands to pray for the men and women who work in politics and government, Center for Christian Civics hosts bi-weekly opportunities to join us in prayer via phone.On last week's conference call, prayer was led by Stephanie Summers, CEO of the Center for Public Justice, an independent Christian think tank working on non-partisan solutions to policy problems. Remind them to seek Your guidance as they make decisions that affect our country and world. Exodus 14:13; Holy Spirit, hover over the Election According to Pew Research Center, 70 percent of Americans believe a mail-in ballot should be an option for anyone desiring it. We know that if we, Your people will pray and repent, YOU will hear from heaven and heal our land. "My son, do not let wisdom and understanding out of your sight, preserve sound judgment and discretion; they will be life Help them readily give grace and receive it. Prayer for Your Local Candidates Center for Christian Civics We pray all these things in the Name of our King and Redeemer, Lord Jesus Christ! Thank you for putting me here on this planet for such a time as this. We also pray, Lord, for the relationship of the United States to Israel. We humble ourselves before You as we intercede for our Nation during these troubled times and today being an election day. Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. Thank you for sharing Derrick Princes very timely words. Thank you for being with us and for sending the Holy Spirit to comfort us and to guide us. We love you King of kings and Lord of lords! We stand for your values: sanctity of life, traditional marriage/family, religious freedom, law and order and Your Righteousness! Please try again later. ELECTION Meghalaya Election Results 2023: The National People's Party (NPP) leader and Meghalaya Chief Minister, Conrad K Sangma, stated that the party is still short of a few seats for a majority in the assembly elections, the results of which were declared on Thursday. WebPrayer. Heavenly Father, it is written in Psalm 37 that God cannot be mocked and a man reaps what he sows. -Oh Heavenly Father, here I am today to pray for the prospective candidates from the respective party such that they can host a successful election campaign where they can face the mass and can make them believe in their plans and agendas such that in this process, they can win over the majority of the votes. Send warring Angels to fight the battles. Protect the candidates, and may they be obedient to Your will. GOD CAN NEVERWILL NEVERNOT EVER WILL HE BE DETHRONEDHE IS NEVER CAUGHT OFF GUARD!! (Heb 5:14, Hos 14:9), 8. Call (712) 775-7431, code 2452# any time today to pray with others. Amen. I pray that many people will hear and accept his words that apply to todays election. Amen! Help us O God that we will return, repent, reconcile with You so that we will receive from You a revival of the spirit and restoration of fellowship with You in our daily walk, to follow You, serve You, and worship You and You alone. May You Lord expose the corruption that is harming our country. We have collected our favorite Bible verses to read on election day to remember that God is sovereign and we can trust in Him. May those who go into the booth choose Life! One of your last guests mentioned a book he had written but I did not get the name of the book. Prayers Amen. We ask for Your will, Father, for this election and our nation be done. Right now I direct most of my efforts to smaller local campaigns. Help us to answer Your call to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with You. Your testimony bought tears to my eyes. King of King and Lord of Lords Sometimes You do not always want the best Fill out The Battle Belongs To The Lord! You are with us when we are aware and with us when we are not aware. Lord, right now it feels like there is so much at stake, and there is a lot of anxiety about the upcoming election. So remember to cast your vote, and do so without fear. Lord God our Father, maker of heaven and earth, we thank you that you have been pleased to give this person new birth with your Holy Spirit, to adopt him for your own, and to receive him into the fellowship of your Church. Praying together for our country, for an end to hatred and for a return to one nation under God. May other Nations look upon America and see LOVE FOR ONE AND FOR ALL. I am reminded of the old song: I saw the Lord, He was high and lifted up and his train filled the temple! Glory to the Precious Lamb of God! Pray God will move against any force that would seek to create chaos and unrest on Election day. Proud member That You will keep Your hand upon it and that You will also guide and overrule, to the benefit of Israel. We ask that you would forgive us, the Children of God, for where we have failed you, failed our families, failed our churches, failed our society when we have become lazy, lukewarm Believers and hidden the Light that is in us. Amen. Amen! May they fear and revere You above all else. A representative government is a good thing. In His Name we battled against powers and principalities of darkness in high places! We ask that candidates running for election would speak out about poverty and listen to the voices of the vulnerable. For your names sake Jesus, pour out Truth on us; What we think, speak, hear, repeat, dwell on, remember. On February 21, the IPC minister had asked the NC to announce a date for the PFF elections in a weeks time, warning that the government may approach FIFA over the matter. and the many blessings of democracy we enjoy. Thank you again for this opportunity to pray together with fellow believers in this important day. Election Abba Father God Lord, cover America, Americans and all Your children who are interceding for America and Americans now by The Blood of Jesus Christ we pray trusting and believing in Jesus Name your Will be done. May this day, America be covered over with the BLOOD OF THE LIFE OF CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD AND SAVIOR . During this time of debate, diffusion, and decision-making, please have Your sovereign hand over this country. I am asking in the precious name of Jesus that Donald Trump will be our President for four more years. Fill all places now vacated with Your Holy Spirit and send the ministering angelic spirits to guide each one to the righteous vote for Your candidates for every office, from President to dogcatcher. A full and fair weight you shall have, a full and fair measure you shall have, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. Lord God, the enemy is trying to tip the scale in their favor by cheating with fraudulent ballots in this election. I ask this in the Name thats more POWERFUL AND ABOVE THAN ANY OTHER NAME, JESUS! God our Lord, free me from all evil and attract to me only good and positive things. Make America Godly Again FOR ONE AND ALL and even more Kingdom like than ever in our History. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Please forgive us all our transgressions and cleanse us from all our unrighteousness. (Ps 85:6, 2 Chr 7:14, Ps 22:27) An Election Day Prayer prayer Ahead of Election Day, a record 244,000 early vote were cast. Grow love for our brothers and sisters in Christ, even if they vote for a different party in this election, because we will spend eternity worshipping You, and this election only matters during this earthly existence. WE HAVE PRAYEDWE SPOKE OUR PIECE TO PEACEWE VOTEWE LEAVE OUR SEEDS OF PRAYER, SPOKEN WORDS AND YES, EVEN OUR VOTE IN THE GROUND AND WALK IN PEACE, TRUSTING IN OUR GOD, KNOWING THAT HE WILL NEVER LEAVE US NOR FORSAKE US. People are worried. Highland Park Church An Election Prayer to Mary He further added that the party would wait for the final results before deciding on the way Thank you for this reference. That You will graciously use this nation continually to support and uphold Your people, Israel, and their state. Prayers for Evangelical Believers: 12. In Jesus Name. Thank you for choosing to put me in this country, at this time, and for Your purposes. I give God thanks for what he is doing.Amen. Let us all praise God for His unending love for our beloved country. Standing in prayer with you from South Africa, my prayers join your prayers for Almighty God to be glorified in America at this time, through Jesus Christ our Lord. But what is most important is Your will, not mine. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.cast all your cares upon the Lord for He cares for you. Amen and Amen! They that be with us are more than they that be with them. Derek Prince, taken from Update 7, October 1980. AMEN! Jesus our Savior, Redeemer, brother, friend, our all in all. Phil Robertson is holding onto prayer this 2020 presidential election. -Oh Supreme Lord, you have the supreme power over everything; kindly grant your strength to the candidates of the respective parties such that they can work dedicatedly to make their election campaign successful. No weapon formed against Your choice Lord will prosper. So, today as important as it is to our future does not fully tell our future for we must continue on in this way and grow up fully in Christ to secure and maintain the victory You have given us. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. No matter what LORD I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU REVEAL YOURSELFEVERYTHING IS BUILDING BUILDING BUILDING AND YOU HAVE MANKINDS BEST INTEREST AT HEART BECAUSE YOU SO LOVED US SO SO SO LOVED US THAT YOU GAVE JESUS WHO WAS SO FULL OF LIFE HE HAD TO WILL HIMSELF TO BE EMPTIED OF LIFE FOR OUR SAKES. May those who walk in darkness be rescued from the dominion of darkness and be transported into the Kingdom of Gods Beloved Son Colossians 1:13. I am proud to call you my fellow believer!!! Lord we pray that law and order and your will prevail, because greater is He who is in us, than he who is in the world. Help those whose candidate does not win take comfort in knowing You are always on the throne. I ask for the coverage of peace and order to shower over this nation! Lord there is so much more but may all their lips praise You and bring Glory to Your name. Give them the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You and Your Son, Jesus Christ. How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times. Today lets lift up our voices across America and the world with the sound of triumph for the battle is THE LORDS!, and our praises dispels the darkness! Thank you for knowing the beginning from the end, and ultimately, thank you for helping us remember that You are in control of the results of the election. of I honor you and Thank you for being a watchman through the night over this land. Please keep our country healthy during this season. Only God can save us and restore the peace that surpasses all understanding. In The Mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we silence and restrain the spirits of rebellion, rage and violence that may try to incite riots and violent protests in the days following the elections. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! We declare and decree that the Lord will prevail and His people will be victorious in this election, in Jesus mighty name. Win Coronavirus has brought about gathering restrictions, and, without physically going to the polls, many are concerned that the exclusive use of mail-in ballots will produce an untrustworthy result. WebPrayer For Winning The Lottery. Bless the winners that they may be humble in their victory And realize that they would not have succeeded without you. so that we might see each other as brothers and sisters, Thank you God YOU are leading this battle to VICTORY! Would you be okay with that? pour out your Holy Spirit an baptize us afresh in your love mercy. Im from Portland but in AUS and postal voted. God revealed a plan for the ancient Israelites to follow. As King David wrote, the nation whose God is the Lord is blessed. Be with their vice-presidential picks as well, that they may be of help. You know the end from the beginning and we can fully trust You all along the way in the middle till we come to the very end. to believe that most of the time, however, You do want the more ethical and Help us O Lord! We desire You and You alone to be our God and our Lord. Your email address will not be published. Arguably Americas most powerful female religious figure, White is not alone. Our prayers prayed in agreement are more powerful. However, Your Word says that we are citizens of Your Kingdom first and foremost. I pray that all may cry out to God in their distress at this time Psalm 107. Today I come before you to you on my knees, asking for one more big prayer to be granted. Send your WARRIOR ANGELS to EXPOSE and find those supporting and committing this acts! Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, a Democrat, lost her re-election bid Tuesday night, and critics are celebrating the end of her term. Lord we pray that there would be Repentance and remorse for the individual sins and corporate sins of the church in America and the Nation. Lord may no weapons formed against us in the Spiritual realm or physical,emotional realms prosper this day. It has happened in 1824, 1876, 1888, 2000, and 2016. Prince in 1971, and have blessed so many times by his godly wisdom. wiser individual to serve. In the Bible, You tell us that to be a leader, he or she must also be a servant; please instill a spirit of servanthood in both candidates in all their future endeavors, whether they win this election or not. Impart your wisdom to all who propose policy, Protocols detailing how vote by mail is handled gets defined on a state by state basis. https://youtu.be/Of5IcFWiEpg. Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Last year the State of Washingtons Supreme Court upheld three $1,000 fines against Democratic electors who cast their ballots for Colin Powell rather than Hillary Clinton, the winner of their state election. The negativity of this election has been exhausting, and the anxiety its produced has reached truly historic levels. Allows me to manage my life without bad interceptions and without evil. It is not over until it is over. Give integrity to party leaders, candidates and campaign workers, If your court does not issue a restraining order for the enemy, they will endanger the integrity of our election and put your plan for this nation in danger. Nothing formed against your children and the leaders you set in place will prosper. 4) that we would discern what truths and values should advance by being made law and which should advance only by the leavening of honest influence; 5) that your people would see what love and justice and far-seeing wisdom demand in regard to the issues of education, business and industry, health care, marriage and family, abortion, welfare, energy, government and taxes, military, terrorism, international relations, and every challenge that we will face in the years to come; 6) and above all, that we will treasure Jesus Christ, and tell everyone of his sovereignty and supremacy over all nations, and that long after America is a footnote to the future world, he will reign with his people from every tribe and tongue and nation. It just seems like a waste of my prayer time to ask Heavenly Father to care whether my team scores more points than the other. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their righteousness is of ME saith the LORD! Let them see in this Nation a Nation filled and overflowing with YOU, YOUR SPIRIT, YOUR GOODNESS, YOUR GOOD HEALTH AND YOUR GOOD WEALTH BUT MOST OF ALL WITH YOUR LIGHT LIFE LOVE AND LIBERTY LIBERTY LIBERTY FOR ONE AND FOR ALL Oh, So Be It To the Great Glory of God \o/ Amen. Thank You Lord for so many acts of faith going on right now!! (Eph 4:28, Prv 21:15), 4. Amen. May You be glorified by Your children in our voting Biblical Principles, ones that will bring in a harvest of people to Your Kingdom, bring Repentance and Revival, reach the unreached people, restore the Lost to Truth that stops the murder of children, restores Truth of gender at birth to the deceived, removes same sex attraction and its lies and deception, exposes rebellion based on false teaching and evil intentions, helps open the hearts and minds of the lazy, intitalled thinking people to work and be responsible. 7 Ways to Pray Through an Election - Harvest Prayer and make us a blessing to all peoples, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Help us to remember that ultimately, nothing is out of Your control. -Oh Everlasting God, kindly shower your blessings on the prospective candidates of all the respective parties and help them to organize their election campaign successfully such that they can pursue the crowd to trust them with their votes and can make them believe that they are the best option for them amongst all. Abba Father, God Lord, we lift America unto Your hands this moments when they are conducting their elections, Dear Lord God step in with Your anointing of peace knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and provisions. I pray that all false reporting of Covid-19 and exaggerations surrounding case numbers and deaths will be stopped and that those responsible for what seems a deliberate move to bring nations to a state of zombie-like submission will be brought to book. Let America be an example of Your Kingdom on Earth. Pray for citizens to be able to discern the truth as they hear the candidates, see ads, watch debates, and tune in to pundits and the media. Amen! WebAwaken in us an awareness that the same hands we lift to you in prayer. Pray for Prayer Changes Peoples Wills (2 Cor 8:21), 5. Bless you Belovedbe filled with His perfect Love and Peace today going forward!! and keep them from deceit and corruption. WebThe Election Our Hope Your Kingdom Purpose in America Matthew 6:9-10 Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Psalm 33:10-11 The LORD foils the plans Where we have forgotten our moral compass, havent lived our values out of fear or just plain apathy. The righteous judge in Heaven will avenge the widow speedily. YES LORD! There is much chaos, unrest, happening in our Nation, enough to discourage people to not go to the polls today but Father we pray for a spirit of courage to rise within them and we pray for Your protection over them as they cast their vote. I, the Lord, speak the truth; I declare Here are four ways to pray over a president, whoever he may be: Pray honestly, but with mercy. and how the Gospel compels us to respond as faithful citizens in our community. We declare in Jesus Name corruption of the ballots will be exposed! -Oh Lord of love and power, kindly shower your blessings on the prospective candidates of the different parties and help them to host a successful election campaign since Lord, I know and I believe that your help and support will motivate them and will give rise to the healthy competitive feeling into them. Pray for physical protection for our President, Vice President, all candidates, and current leaders during this time. Let there be revival in our country, bringing us closer to You and to each other. Prayer Ive prayed, I will vote, then leave it go. Lord, we ask that you hear the earnest prayers of those going up now across our Nation and across the World. That is an excellent move on your part and I know our Lord heard your prayer. Tripura Election Results: The BJP-IPFT alliance won 33 seats in the 60-member Tripura assembly, securing its return to power in the northeastern state for the second time in a row.According to the Election Commission website, the BJP bagged 30 seats while the Indigenous People's Front of Tripura (IPFT) got one. You alone are God and we pray Your will to be done in this Election based on Your live, mercy and Grace rooted in Thy Faithfulness. O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Mercy, at this most critical time, we entrust the United States of America to your loving care. Prayer For Candidates Of Election , Lord we pray that you answer our prayers to give President Trump four more years to help save this country and our world from the devils that are trying to take over world and we pray for our babies for our rights for freedom of religion and we pray for peace praying that their are no riots and a peaceful transition into the presidency thank you Lord Jesus Christ Amen, No matter what we see. During Thank you for preparing a place for Your people to be with You forever. Keep all who work from error. More than 1/3 of early voters were aged 65 and older. Specific Events I pray too that the lock downs be stopped to allow people to go back to work to put food on their families tables. We declare smooth transitionno protests..no looting..no killings in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS..AMEN! Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation. Be subject for the Lords sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. Amen. Hear us, good Lord. so that we may choose leaders who hear your Word, The focus of the meetings is to determine how much information is appropriate to share with the American public in a display of administrative transparency. It is also written that wrongdoers will be completely destroyed and the offspring of the wicked will perish. God bless you too! Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. Open the hearts of this nation for LIFE of the unborn and give us leaders who protect life. WebPRAISE THE LORD , AS SRILANKA GOES FOR POLES TO ELECT THE NEXT SRILANKAN PRESIDENT, SAJITH PREMADASA OF New Democratic Front (NDF) OF Sri Lanka. Nun 10:9When you go to war in your land against the enemy who oppresses you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets; and you will be remembered before the LORD your God, and you will be saved from your enemies.

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