ffs surgeons who take insurance

(2.) - ay'dree-AT-ik, ad'ree-AT-ik] * [ Adullam - Adul'lam - 1 Samuel 22:1 (h5725) - uh-DUHL-uhm] * [ adultery - adultery - Exodus 20:14 (h5003) - uh-DUHL-tuh-ree, -DUHL-tree] * [ aedile* - - it "Erastus" - EE-duhl, EE-di l'] * [ Aegean* - - dp 149; it "Greece, Greeks" - ih-JEE-uhn, ee-, not ay'JEE-uhn] * [ Aeneas] * [ (spelled Eneas in some Bibles) - Aene'as - Acts 9:33 (g132) - uh-NEE-uhs, ih-] * [ Aenon - Ae'non - John 3:23 (g137) - EE-nuhn, EE-non] * [ aeon*] * [ (also eon) - - g77 11/22 27 - EE-uhn, EE-ahn'] * [ Aesculapius*] * [ (also Asclepius) - - it "Diseases and Treatment" - es'kyuh-LAY-pee-uhs (listen), Brit. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce D words in the Bible: [ daemon* - - g81 12/22 12 - DEE-muhn] * [ Dagon - Da'gon - Judges 16:23 (h1712) - DAY-gon] * [ daleth] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Da'leth - Psalm 119:25 (verse heading) - DAH-leth('), -let', also -luhd (listen)] * [ Dalmanutha - Dalmanu'tha - Mark 8:10 (g1148) - dal'muh-NOO-thuh] * [ Dalmatia - Dalma'tia - 2 Timothy 4:10 (g1149) - dal-MAY-shee-uh, dal-MAY-shuh] * [ daman] * [ (see coney) - ("rock badger" in NW) - Leviticus 11:5 JPS (h8227); Leviticus 11:5 ftn. Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice and play it to listen to how you have pronounced it. There is no doubt that the ideology of Caesar's claim to be Lord and Savior . How to pronounce Philippi is | HowToPronounce.com in NW) - 1 Corinthians 16:22 KJ (g331 + g3134) - uh-NATH-uh-muh mar'uh-NATH-uh] * [ Anathoth - An'athoth - Jeremiah 1:1 (h6068) - AN-uh-thoth] * [ Anatolia* - - g92 1/8 7 - a'nuh-TOH-lee-uh, -TOHL-yuh] * [ Andronicus - Andron'icus - Romans 16:7 (g408) - an-DRON-uh-kuhs] * [ angel - angel - Genesis 22:11 (h4397); Matthew 1:20 (g32) - AYN-juhl] * [ animism* - - sh 23 - AN-uh-miz'uhm] * [ ankh*] * [ (aka crux ansata) - - w68 2/1 95 - ANGK, AHNGK] * [ Annas - An'nas - Luke 3:2 (g452) - AN-uhs, not AY-nuhs] * [ Anshan* - - dp 149; it "Cyrus" - ahn-shahn] * [ antagonist - antagonist - Isaiah 50:8 (h1167) - an-TAG-uh-nist] * [ antediluvian*] * [ (compare postdiluvian) - - w95 3/15 20 - an'tih-duh-LOO-vee-uhn, an'tee-dih-, -di (')-] * [ anthropomorphic* - - g81 4/22 16 - at(t)'thruh-puh-MOR-fik] * [ Antigonus, Gonatas* - - dp 215 - an-TIG-uh-nuhs, goh-NAY-tuhs] * [ Anti-Lebanon - Anti-Leb'anon - Song of Solomon 4:8 (h549) - an'tee-LEB-uh-nuhn] * [ antilegomena*] * [ (opposed to homologoumena) - - - AN-tih-lee-gom'ee-na, an'tih-lee-GOM-eh-nah, an'tih-luh-GOM-uh-nuh] * [ Antioch - Antioch, it An'tioch - Acts 11:26 (g490) - AN-tee-ok] * [ Antiochus Epiphanes* - - dp 13; 1 Maccabees 1:10 - an-TI -uh-kuhs, ayn-, ee-PIF-uh-neez] * [ Antipas - An'tipas - Revelation 2:13 (g493) - AN-tee-puhs, AN-tih-puhs, AN-tih-pas' (listen)] * [ Antipater* - - it "Antipas" - an-TIP-uh-tuhr, not an'tuh-PAY-tuhr] * [ Antipatris - Antip'atris - Acts 23:31 (g494) - an-TIP-uh-tris] * [ antithesis*] * [ (pl. You can try again. For example, the word eight may sound like ay. We make the sound of consonants by using our lips or tongues to stop It was a "miniature Rome," under the municipal law of Rome, and governed by military officers, called duumviri, who were appointed directly from Rome. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce I words in the Bible: [ Ibleam - Ib'leam - Joshua 17:11 (h2991) - IB-lee-uhm] * [ Iblis* - - w94 2/1 3 - IB-lis] * [ Ibzan - Ib'zan - Judges 12:8 (h78) - IB-zan] * [ Ichabod - Ich'abod - 1 Samuel 4:21 (h350) - IK-uh-bod] * [ I Ching* - - sh 83 - YEE-JING, EE-JING] * [ icon* - - w02 7/1 4 - I -kon, I -kahn'] * [ Iconium - Ico'nium - Acts 14:1 (g2430) - i -KOH-nee-uhm] * [ iconoclasm* - - g80 3/8 19 - i -KON-uh-klaz'uhm] * [ iconoclast*; iconoclastic* - - w92 2/15 4 - i -KAH-nuh-klast'; i -kah'nuh-KLAS-tik] * [ ichor* - - it "Gods and Goddesses" (Greek Deities) - I -kawr', -kuhr] * [ Iddo - Id'do - Ezra 5:1 (h5714) - ID-oh] * [ ideology*] * [ (also idealogy) - - w97 8/15 32 - i'dee-AH-luh-jee, ih'-; i'dee-AH-luh-jee, -AL-uh-jee, ih'dee-AH-luh-jee, -AL-uh-jee] * [ ideological* - - w93 2/1 5 - ih'dee-uh-LAH-jih-kuhl, ih'-] * [ idolater - idolater - Ephesians 5:5 (g1496) - i -DAHL-uh-tuhr, -DOL-] * [ idolatrous - ("foreign-god" [priests] in NW) - 2 Kings 23:5 KJ (h3649) - i-DAHL-uh-truhs] * [ Idumea] * [ (also Idumaea) - Idume'a - Mark 3:8 (g2401) - id'yoo-MEE-uh, id'oo-MEE-uh] * [ Idumean*, Idumaean* - - w02 1/1 11 - id'yoo-MEE-uhn] * [ Ignatius* - - it "Canon" - ig-NAY-sh(ee-)uhs] * [ ignominy] * [ (shame in some Bibles) - ("dishonor" in NW) - Proverbs 18:3 AS, DRB, KJ (h7036) - IG-nuh-min'ee, ig-NAH-muh-nee] * [ Ije-abarim] * [ (also Ije Abarim; compare Iye-abarim) - - Numbers 21:11 KJ, MKJV (h5863) - i 'juh-AB-uh-rim] * [ Ikhnaton*] * [ (also Akhenaton) - - - ik-NAH-tuhn] * [ Illyricum - Illyr'icum - Romans 15:19 (g2457) - ih-LIHR-ih-kuhm, -LEER] * [ imam* - - g00 3/8 11 - ih-MAHM, ee-MAHM, ih-MAM] * [ Immanuel] * [ (compare Emmanuel) - Imman'uel - Isaiah 7:14 (h6005) - ih-MAN-yoo-uhl, ih-MAN-yoo-el] * [ impious] * [ (evildoers, godless, hypocrite, profane, ungodly in some Bibles) - ("apostate" and "ungodly men" in NW) - Job 8:13 JPS (h2611); Romans 5:6 Analytical-Literal Trans., Yg (g765) - IM-pee-uhs, im(')-PI -uhs] * [ impotent - impotent - Job 26:5 (h7496) - IM-puh-tuhnt, -poh-, not im-POH-tuhnt] * [ impugn* - - jv 645 - im-PYOON] * [ incense - incense - Psalm 141:2 (h7004); Luke 1:9 (g2370) - IN-sen(t)s] * [ India - In'dia - Esther 1:1 (h1012) - IN-dee-uh] * [ inimical*] * [ (compare inimitable) - - it "Enemy" - ih-NIH-mih-kuhl] * [ inimitable*] * [ (compare inimical) - - w88 11/1 15 - ih(')-NIH-muh-tuh-buhl] * [ iniquity - iniquity - Daniel 4:27 (h5758) - ih-NIH-kwuh-tee] * [ inquisition - ("search" in NW) - Deuteronomy 19:18 AS, DRB, KJ (h1875) - in'kwuh-ZIH-shuhn, ing'kwuh-] * [ inshallah* - - - in'shah-LAH] * [ internecine* - - w03 1/1 8 - in'tuhr-NEH-seen', in'tuhr-NEE-suhn, -NEE-si n', in'tuhr-nuh-SEEN, in-TUHR-nuh-seen'] * [ interpolate*; interpolation* - - w64 3/15 184 - in-TUHR-puh-layt'; in-tuhr'puh-LAY-shuhn] * [ Ionian* - - it "Greece, Greeks" - i -OH-nee-uhn] * [ Ionic* - - it "Architecture" - i -AH-nik] * [ iota] * [ (jot in some Bibles; compare tittle) - ("smallest letter" in NW) - Matthew 5:18 Da, KJ, Yg (g2503) - i -OH-tuh] * [ Iran* - - it "Persia, Persian" - ih-RAN, -RAHN, ee-RAHN, i -RAN] * [ Iranian* - - ip-2 73 - ih-RAY-nee-uhn, ih-RAH-, i -RAY-] * [ Iraq* - - it "Babylon" - ih-RAK, -RAHK, ee-RAHK] * [ Irenaeus* - - it "Canon" - i 'ruh-NEE-uhs] * [ irreprehensible] * [ (above reproach, blameless, good reputation, irreproachable, of good name, without fault, without reproach in some Bibles) - irreprehensible - 1 Timothy 3:2 (g423) - ih-rep'rih-HEN(T)-suh-buhl] * [ Isaac - Isaac, it I'saac - Genesis 17:19 (h3327) - I -zik, I -zak] * [ Isaiah - Isaiah (Bible book), Isa'iah - Isaiah 1:1 (h3470) - i -ZAY-uh, -yuh, chiefly Brit. How to pronounce "Philippi" [Video] | How to Pronounce An island in the NE Aegean Sea. Register or post as a guest. if(d.layers)el.style=el; There is much more to the pronunciation of a biblical term than its individual sounds. charismata* - - w98 2/15 23; g82 2/8 3 - kuh-RIZ-muh; kuh-RIZ-muh-tuh, kar'iz-MAH-tuh, kuh-RIZ-muh-tah] * [ charismatic* - - ip-2 164 - kar'uhz-MAT-ik, kair'riz-MAT-ik] * [ Charlemagne* - - dp 243 - SHAHR-luh-mayn'] * [ chasm - chasm - Luke 16:26 (g5490) - KAZ-uhm] * [ chaste - chaste - James 3:17 (g53) - CHAYST] * [ chasten - - Proverbs 18:17 KJ (h3256) - CHAY-suhn] * [ chastise - chastise - Proverbs 18:17 (h3256); Luke 23:16 (g3811) - chas(')-TI Z, CHAS-ti z'] * [ chastisement - chastisement - Isaiah 53:5 (h4148) - chas(')-TI Z-muhnt] * [ chastity - chastity - 2 Corinthians 11:3 - CHAS-tuh-tee] * [ Chebar - Che'bar - Ezra 1:1 (h3529) - KEE-bahr] * [ Chedorlaomer - Chedorlao'mer - Genesis 14:1 (h3540) - ked'uhr-lay-OH-muhr, ked'or-lah-OH-mer] * [ chehth, also cheth, heth] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Chehth - Psalm 119:57 (verse heading) - KETH, KHET (listen), KHETH, KHAYT, KHAYTH] * [ Chemosh - Che'mosh - Judges 11:24 (h3645) - KEE-mosh] * [ Cheng* - - g86 5/22 25 - JUHNG] * [ Chephirah; also Caphira - Chephi'rah - Joshus 9:17 (h3716) - kuh-FI -ruh, kih-] * [ cherub] * [ (angelic creature) - cherub, it cher'ub - Exodus 25:19 (h3742) - CHER-uhb] * [ Cherub] * [ (city) - Che'rub - Ezra 2:59 (h3743) - KEE-ruhb] * [ cherubim - ("glorius cherubs" in NW) - Hebrews 9:5 KJ (g5502) - CHER-uh-bim', also CHER-yuh-bim'] * [ Chesed - Che'sed - Genesis 22:22 (h3777) - KHEE-sed] * [ chesedh*] * [ ("loving-kindness; loyal love") - Heb. codices) - - it "Book" - KOH-deks; pl. In the world of words and the diversity of accents and local dialects, some words can be extremely hard to pronounce. me-drah-SHEEM, Ashk. Paul and Silas at length left this city and proceeded to Amphipolis (q.v.). If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Before you do anything, it is suggested that you backup your website so that you can revert back to a previous version if something goes wrong. Some readers think they need to say each word separately, but they are wrong. Moderate. aPARTment; aPARTment, aPARTment intonation. hez'uh-KI -uh] * [ Hiddekel] * [ (aka Tigris) - Hid'dekel - Daniel 10:4 (h2313) - HID-uh-kel, HID-ih-kel] * [ Hierapolis - Hierap'olis - Colossians 4:13 (g2404) - hi 'uh-RAP-uh-lis, hi 'ih-RAP-uh-luhs] * [ hierarchy* - - w98 5/15 29 - HI -uh-rahr'kee, HI -rahr-] * [ hieratic* - - it "Writing" - hi 'uh-RAT-ik, hi -RAT-ik] * [ hieroglyph* - - g91 1/22 7 - HI -ruh-glif ] * [ hieroglyphic* - - it "Writing" - hi 'ruh-GLIF-ik] * [ Hieronymus* - - it "Versions (Latin 'Vulgate')" - hi (')-uh-RAH-nuh-muhs, hi -RON-uh-muhs] * [ Higgaion - Higga'ion - Psalm 9:16 (h1902) - hih-GAY-yon, hih-GAY-yuhn] * [ Hilkiah - Hilki'ah - Jeremiah 1:1 (h2518) - hil-KI -uh] * [ Hillel - Hil'lel - Judges 12:15 (h1985) - HIL-el] * [ Hinnom - Hin'nom - Joshua 15:8 (h2011) - HIN-uhm] * [ hippodrome* - - it "Jerusalem (Under Herod the Great)" - HIP-uh-drohm'] * [ Hippolytus* - - w97 3/1 10 - hih-POL-luh-tuhs] * [ historicity* - - it "Archaeology (Palestine and Syria)" - his'tuh-RIS-ih-tee (listen)] * [ Hittite - Hit'tite - Genesis 23:10 (h2850) - HIT-ti t, HIT-i t] * [ Hivite - Hi'vite - Genesis 10:17 (h2340) - HI -vi t] * [ hoary - ("gray" in NW) - Leviticus 19:32 AS, Da, DRB, KJ (h7872) - HOHR-ee, HAWR-ee] * [ Hobab - Ho'bab - Numbers 10:29 (h2246) - HOH-bab] * [ holocaust - ("burnt sacrifice" and "whole burnt offerings" in NW) - Job 42:8 DRB (h5930); Hebrews 10:6 DRB (g3646) - HOH-luh-kawst', HAH-, also -kahst' or HAW-luh-kawst] * [ homer - ho'mer - Leviticus 27:16 (h2563) - HOH-muhr] * [ homily*; homiletic* - - w98 5/15 30; g74 7/8 11 - HAH-muh-lee; hah'muh-LET-ik] * [ homologoumena*] * [ (distinguished from the antilegomena) - - - hoh'moh-loh-GOU-meh-nah, hoh'moh-luh-GOO-muh-nuh, -GYOO-] * [ hoopoe] * [ (hoopoes, houp, lapwing in some Bibles) - hoopoe, it hoo'poe - Leviticus 11:19 (h1744) - HOO-poo', HOO-poh'] * [ Hophni - Hoph'ni - 1 Samuel 1:3 (h2652) - HOF-ni] * [ Hophra] * [ (aka Apries) - Hoph'ra - Jeremiah 44:30 (h6548) - HOF-ruh] * [ Horeb] * [ (aka Sinai) - Ho'reb - Exodus 3:1 (h2722) - HOH-reb] * [ Horesh] * [ (forest, wood in some Bibles) - Ho'resh - 1 Samuel 23:15 (h2793) - HOH-rehsh, HOR-esh] * [ Hor-haggidgad - Hor-haggid'gad - Numbers 33:32 (h2735) - hor'huh-GID-gad, hor'hag-GID-gad] * [ Hori - Ho'ri - Numbers 13:5 (h2753) - HOH-ri] * [ Horonaim - Horona'im - Isaiah 15:5 (h2773) - hor'uh-NAY-im] * [ Horonite - Hor'onite - Nehemiah 2:10 (2772) - HOR-uh-ni t] * [ Horus* - - ip-2 52 - HOHR-uhs, HOR-, HAWR-] * [ Hosanna, also Hosannah - ("Save, we pray you!" RewriteBase / Just click. How to pronounce biblical words is an important topic. (g3586)] *. Congrats! The first of two days litigation between the City of Cape Town, the province and the Philippi Horticultural Area Food and Farming Campaign, left campaigners furious when the spokesperson fo.. Even if it mispronounced, we can usually understand what de book is. BICH-oo-muhn, BIT-yuh-] * [ blaspheme - blaspheme - John 10:36 (g987) - blas-FEEM, BLAS-feem] * [ blasphemous - blasphemous - Revelation 13:1 (g988) - BLAS-fuh-muhs, not blas-FEE-m(ee-)uhs] * [ blasphemy - blasphemy - Matthew 12:31 (g988) - BLAS-fuh-mee (listen), not blas'FEE-mee] * [ Blastus - Blas'tus - Acts 12:20 (g986) - BLAS-tuhs] * [ Boanerges - Boaner'ges - Mark 3:17 (g993) - boh'uh-NUHR-jeez] * [ Boaz - Bo'az - Ruth 2:1 (h1162) - BOH-az] * [ Bodmer, Papyrus* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible (Papyrus manuscripts)" - BOD-muhr, puh-PI -ruhs] * [ Bogomil*] * [ (also Bogomile) - - w58 7/1 393 - buh'guh-ME(UH)L] * [ boisterous - boisterous - Proverbs 9:13 (h1993) - BOI-stuhr-uhs, -struhs] * [ Boniface* - - g01 10/8 8 - BAH-nuh-fuhs, BAH-nuh-fays'] * [ Boreas* - - g93 9/22 24 - BOHR-ee-uhs] * [ Borsippa* - - dp 100 - bohr-SIP-uh] * [ bough - bough - Malachi 4:1 (h6057) - BOU, rhymes with "how," "now," "cow"] * [ Bozrah - Boz'rah - Isaiah 34:6 (h1224) - BOZ-ruh, BAWZ-rah] * [ Brahma* - - sh 115 - BRAH-muh] * [ Brahman*] * [ (also Brahmin) - - w99 4/1 9; g83 3/8 25 - BRAH-muhn, BRAHKH-muhn] * [ brazier - brazier - Jeremiah 36:22 (h254) - BRAY-zhuhr] * [ breeches] * [ underclothes, undergarments, trousers in some Bibles - ("garments" in NW) - Ezekiel 44:18 AS, Da, DRB, KJ (h4370) - BRIH-chuhz, also BREE-] * [ brigandine] * [ (armor, coat of mail in some Bibles) - ("coat of mail" in NW) - Jeremiah 51:3 KJ (h5630) - BRIG-uhn-deen'] * [ brimstone - ("sulphur" in NW) - Genesis 19:24 KJ (h1614); Revelation 21:8 (g2303) - BRIM-stohn'] * [ bristle - bristle - Job 4:15 (h5568) - BRIS-uhl] * [ Britannia* - - dp 57 - brih-TAN-ee-uh, -TAN-yuh] * [ bruit] * [ (news, report in some Bibles) - ("report" in NW) - Jeremiah 10:22 KJ (h8052); Nahum 3:19 KJ (h8088) - BROOT] * [ buckler] * [ (armor, arms in some Bibles) - buckler - Psalm 35:2 (h6793) - BUH-kluhr, BUK-luhr] * [ Buddha*; Buddhist*; Buddhism* - - sh chapter 6 - BOO-duh, BU-; BOO-dist, BU-; BOO-dih'zuhm, BU-] * [ Bul] * [ (aka Heshvan, Marheshvan) - Bul - 1 Kings 6:38 (h945) - BUL, BOOL] * [ bulwark - bulwark - Habakkuk 2:1 (h4692) - BUL-wuhrk('), -wawrk, BUHL-] * [ bustard - ("vulture" in NW) - Deuteronomy 14:17 JPS (h7360) - BUHS-tuhrd] * [ Byblos] * [ (aka Gebal) - ("Gebal" in NW) - Joshua 13:5 ftn., Ezekiel 27:9 CEV, MSG, TEV (h1380) - BIB-luhs, -los] * [ Byzantine* - - g89 8/8 23 - BIZ-uhn-teen, BI -, -ti n; buh-ZAN-teen, -ti n, bi -ZAN-] * [ Byzantium* - - w02 2/15 8-12; dp 167 - bih-ZAN-sh(ee-)uhm, bih-ZAN-tee-uhm] *. kuh-TOO-vim; kuh-THOO-vim, Seph. Remember to turn the computer audio switch on, so that you can hear the correct pronunciations. If youre a Bible teacher, Pastor or Christian who wants to know how to pronounce those difficult Bible names correctly, look no further! stelai or steles) - - it "Canaan (picture, page 403)" - STEE-lee, STEEL (listen); pl. - NUHM-buhrz] * [ nun] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Nun - Psalm 119:105 (verse heading) - NUHN, NUN (listen)] * [ nuncio* - - w80 7/1 25 - NUHN(T)-see-oh', NOON(T)-] * [ Nut* - - it "Gods and Goddesses" - NUT] * [ Nuzi* - - it "Archaeology (Mari and Nuzi)" - NOO-zee] * [ Nympha] * [ (Nymphas in some Bibles) - Nym'pha - Colossians 4:15 (g3564) - NIM-fuh (NIM-fuhs in some Bibles)] *. Heb. The primary purpose of a language is to communicate. - ih-KLEE-zhee-uh] * [ Ecclesiastes - Ecclesiastes (Bible book) - Ecclesiastes 1:1 ftn. document.write('

') -1 rating. mouth. ; Revelation 16:16 KJ (g717) - ahr'muh-GED-uhn (listen)] * [ Arminius* - - dp 236 - ahr-MIN-ee-uhs] * [ Arnon - Ar'non - Numbers 22:36 (h769) - AHR-nuhn, -non] * [ Arpachshad] * [ (Arphaxad in some Bibles) - Arpach'shad - Genesis 10:22 (h775) - ahr-PAK-shad] * [ Artaxerxes - Artaxerx'es - Ezra 4:7 (h783) - ahr'tuh-ZUHRK-seez, ahr'tuhg-ZUHRK-seez('), ahr'tak-SUHRK-seez] * [ Artemas - Ar'temas - Titus 3:12 (g734) - AHR-tuh-muhs] * [ Artemis] * [ (Diana in some Bibles) - Ar'temis - Acts 19:24 (g735) - AHR-tuh-mihs, AHR-tuh-muhs] * [ Aryan* - - ip-2 115 - AR-ee-uhn, AHR-, ER-] * [ Asaph - A'saph - Psalm 50 (superscription) (h623) - AY-saf] * [ Asclepius*] * [ (also Aesculapius) - - it "Diseases and Treatment" - uh-SKLEE-pee-uhs (listen)] * [ Asenappar] * [ (Asenaphar, Ashurbanipal, Asnappar, Osnappar in some Bibles) - As'enappar - Ezra 4:10 (h620) - AS-uh-nap'uhr] * [ Asenath - As'enath - Genesis 41:45 (h621) - AS-uh-nath(')] * [ Asgard* - - g00 12/8 27 - AS-gahrd, AZ-gahrd] * [ Asher - Ash'er - Genesis 30:13 (h836) - ASH-uhr] * [ Asherah] * [ (grove, holy tree, pillars in some Bibles) - ("sacred pole" in NW) - Deuteronomy 16:21 DRB (h842) - ASH-uh-ruh, uh-SHIHR-uh, uh-SHEER-uh] * [ Ashkelon - Ash'kelon - Judges 14:19 (h831) - ASH-kuh-lon] * [ Ashkenaz - Ash'kenaz - Genesis 10:3 (h813) - ASH-kuh-naz, ASH-keh-naz, not -nahz] * [ Ashkenazi* - - sh 216 - ahsh'kuh-NAH-zee, ash'kuh-NAZ-ee] * [ Ashpenaz - Ash'penaz - Daniel 1:3 (h828) - ASH-puh-naz, ASH-peh-naz] * [ Ashtoreth - Ash'toreth - Judges 2:13 (h6252) - ASH-tuh-reth, -reth'] * [ Ashurbanipal] * [ (aka Asenappar) - ("Asenappar" in NW) - Ezra 4:8 (10) CEV - ash'uhr-BAN-uh-puhl, ah'suhr-BAH-nuh-pahl', ah'shuhr-] * [ Ashurnasirpal* - - w88 2/15 25 - ash'uhr-NAS-uhr-puhl] * [ Asia - Asia - 1 Peter 1:1 (g773) - AY-zhuh] * [ Asshur - As'shur - Genesis 10:22 (h804) - ASH-uhr, AS-shur'] * [ Assos (modern Behramky) - As'sos - Acts 20:13 (g789) - AS-ohs] * [ assuage] * [ (asswage, ease, relieve, spare, sparing in some Bibles) - ("hold back" in NW) - Job 16:5 KJ (h2820) - uh-SWAYJ, also uh-SWAYZH or uh-SWAHZH] * [ Assyria; Assyrian - Assyr'ia; Assyr'ian - Genesis 2:14 (h804); Isaiah 10:5 (h804) - uh-SIHR-ee-uh, -SEER-; uh-SIHR-ee-uhn, -SEER-] * [ Astyages* - - dp 149; it "Cyrus" - as-TI -uh-jeez] * [ asunder - asunder - Hebrews 11:37 (g599) - uh-SUHN-duhr] * [ atheist*; atheism* - - w94 12/1 6 - AY-thee-ist; AY-thee-ih'zuhm] * [ Athena* - - ip-2 52 - uh-THEE-nuh] * [ Athaliah - Athali'ah - 2 Kings 8:26 (h6271) - ath'uh-LI -uh] * [ Athanasian* - - g94 9/8 11 - ath'uh-NAY-zhuhn, -shuhn] * [ Athanasius* - - w01 4/15 19 - ath'uh-NAY-zh(ee-)uhs, -sh(ee-)uhs] * [ Atlas*] * [ (Mountains; Greek Titan) - - - AT-luhs] * [ atone; atonement] * [ (expiation, forgive, [be] merciful, pardoned, peace in some Bibles) - ("make atonement" in NW); atonement - Numbers 8:12 LITV, Yg (h3722); Deuteronomy 32:43 (h3722) - uh-TOHN; uh-TOHN-muhnt] * [ Attalia] * [ (modern Antalya) - Attali'a - Acts 14:25 (g825) - at'uh-LI -uh, at'tuh-LI -uh] * [ audacious - audacious - Job 41:10 (h393) - aw-DAY-shuhs] * [ Augustine* - - Exodus 20:17 ftn.

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