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(, Ancient Amateur: The Doctor described himself as such to, My Love: A term of affection River Song used for the Doctor. (TV: Doctor Who), The Doctor adopted the name on a semi-regular basis during their third incarnation while exiled on Earth, when he served as unpaid scientific advisor to UNIT. (TV: Thin Ice) The Ninth Doctor could also diagnose patients in a hospital ward, quickly deducing they all shared the injuries of a scar on the back of their hands, collapsed chest cavities, crushed rib cages and gas masks fused into the flesh on their faces, (TV: The Empty Child) and displayed extensive knowledge on nanogenes, such as their ability to repair organic matter and restore life as a mere "quirk of matter". The tower acts as a nexus point of magic and reality on Earth. (, Space Gandalf: When questioned by Amy as to what kind of person he's like, the Doctor answered that he was like a "Space Gandalf". (, A Madman with a Box: A title Amy Pond bestows on him on their first encounter after fourteen years, which he later adopted. Fate. 1 Kent Nelson Rescued The Spectre At Great Personal Risk. Anubis most notably has enmity with the Khalid Nassour incarnation of Doctor Fate, as the pharaoh's blood running through his veins allows him to invoke power over him as he seeks to gain power and influence beyond his cosmic station and influence in wake of the weakening of his fellow Egyptian gods. [39] Nassour would also play a role in the Justice League/Justice League Dark crossover involving the return of the character, Xanadoth. Hauhet replaces Nabu as the resident spirit within the Helmet of Fate when Nabu disappeared. [61] Some versions are also unable to cast counter spells that have been already cast, due to various rules of magic, able only to instead protect themselves from the effects. (TV: The Girl in the Fireplace), The Tenth Doctor later introduced himself as the "Oncoming Storm" to a Dalek aboard of the Wayfarer, (PROSE: Prisoner of the Daleks) and referred to the title when confronting a rabbit he thought was a Zygon. The One:12 Collective welcomes Dr. [20] The character would also briefly become a permanent member of the Justice League International. The Kent Nelson incarnation has appeared in several media, such as the television series Smallville, in which he is portrayed by Brent Stait, and the DC Extended Universe film Black Adam, in which he was portrayed by Pierce Brosnan. Hector is stated to potentially be the most powerful incarnations of all incarnations of Doctor Fate before him. Leonidas "Leo" Valdez is a Greek demigod, the son of Hephaestus and Esperanza Valdez. Share this page. On top of that, Fate is a master of magic, which is one of Superman's biggest weaknesses. (, Posh Doctor: The Twelfth Doctor referred to this incarnation as such when fearing he would be "Scary Doctor". The Cloak of Destiny . This time Eric's mind did not mature. She said it was "Doctor Who", and the Doctor had chosen it to be mysterious, but dropped the "Who" when he realised it was "too on-the-nose". (PROSE: Love and War) After being told of the title by the Ninth Doctor, (TV: The Parting of the Ways) Rose Tyler called the Tenth Doctor by the "Oncoming Storm" when she and Mickey Smith were being prepared for dissection by the Clockwork Droids. He is notable for his characterization of hating humanity in general. Fate's Equipment. A skilled psychic whom Nelson visits soon after donning the Helmet of Fate in an attempt to learn more about it, using her skills to serve others despite skeptics often not believing her. [59], The current incarnation of Doctor Fate, Khalid Nassour first appeared in June 2015, starring in a Doctor Fate solo series, created as another attempt to revitalize the character, this time using the Egyptian-related background of the character. She tries to get Khalid into. Scars/Birthmarks/Tattoos: None. Status: Active. (TV: The Shrink), The Master addressed a postcard to the Third Doctor as "Dr Who". Occupation: Magic man. Later on Inza passed away leaving Kent alone, but years later he befriends the android Red Tornado. In the DC Universe, "Totec" is the name given to Malferrazae by the. Soon after defeating Wotan, Fate decided to use his powers to travel to the underworld to learn his fate. [62] Additionally, Kent V. Nelson was a skilled psychiatrist prior to losing his license to practice. Chaos's patronage allows his agent to practice chaos magic, allowing them to perform magical feats powered by imagination; Thoth's patronage to the helmet allowed for native control over the elements (wind, earth, fire, water, electricity) and healing abilities. For example, Molly may replace Margaret, Tom traditionally replaces Thomas, Polly for Mary, and Bill is commonly used for William. [70], With access to various magical artifacts, all incarnations of Doctor Fate (excluding Jared Stevens due to the nature of his powers & non-spell casting abilities) possess sufficient magical power that allows them to be considered among the most powerful magical users on Earth in the DC Universe, with the character being said to possess numerous magical abilities considered nearly unstoppable. [64], In the original continuty, the helmet acted as a reponsitory of magical power, granting it's wearer the power to manipulate magic and cast spells. Some were fleeting, while others, like John Smith, were used by almost all of their incarnations, with some variations. In 2018, DC launched a second Justice League Dark series written by James Tynion IV starring a new roster led by Wonder Woman. [35] The character's journey & world would be inspired by Marvel Comics' Spider-Man and Doctor Strange[35] and is notably one of DC Comics's first Muslim characters to headline a solo series. The Heroine, the Hero and the Megalomaniac, a previously unknown incarnation of the Doctor, Doctor Who's real name is Mildred, claims Steven Moffat. (, The King of Okay: A title he gave to himself when Amy was shocked to see him alive and well, having seen his older self be shot and killed at, My Thief / My Beautiful Idiot: Names given to the Doctor by the spirit of his TARDIS during their brief time together when, The Anti-Squid: A title the Doctor put little thought into due to the lack of preparation time. The flashback also implies her history being similar to her depiction in the Silver Age, Bronze Age, and Golden Age.[50]. In addition to appearing in JSA, DC published a self-titled, five-issue limited series in 2003. (TV: School Reunion, Smith and Jones) As "John Smith" was considered a generic name in some Earth cultures, the Doctor's use of the alias was occasionally treated with scepticism. Unlike other versions of Doctor Fate, the Legion of Super-Heroes' Doctor Fate is portrayed as a six-armed, male alien sorcerer. [40] He also possesses profound knowledge in the mystic arts, is a certified archaeologist & physician (the latter in some continuities), holding a doctorate degree in both.[41][42]. While they don't identify themselves on screen, their names (at least in the comics) are . In 1928 Kent Nelson was born to Celestine Babcock-Nelson, a spiritualist and Sven Nelson, an archaeologist. Submit your nickname or copy the best name style from the list. Kent Nelson was born the . "; (TV: The Gunfighters) similarly, when Jimmy Forbes asked "Doctor who? During this period, Inza Cramer's name as such was amended. A powerful Lord of Chaos, Xanadoth once ruled her fellow Chaos Lords until they rebelled and sided with the Lords of Order to depose of her rule and erased records of her history. Doctor Strangefate is a sorcerer from the Amalgam Comics universe; he is an amalgamation of Doctor Fate and Marvel Comics' Doctor Strange, with the alter ego of Marvel Comics' Charles Xavier. Upon wearing the ancient alien golden Helmet of Fate, Kent Nelson transforms from kindly academic into the sorcerer Doctor Fate. Soon after Kent and Inza became engaged and became closer than ever. [21] Eventually, Linda and Eric's characters were dropped as Doctor Fate, the last arc of the story revealing their fates to have reincarnated into the bodies of Eugene and Wendy DiBellia while Nabu reincarnates in Eugene and Wendy's unborn child. The helmet also contains a vast library of spells from which the user can draw. When Kent Nelson's father died in the tomb of the Egyptian wizard Nabu, who took pity on Kent and raised him as his apprentice to become the Sorcerer Supreme and Lord of Order, Doctor Fate. Known often as the primary and most well-known incarnation of the character, Nelson serves as both the main character and major supporting character to several of the Doctor Fate titles over the years. A Lord of Order who attempted to punish Kent and Inza for their failure of completely eradicating the forces of chaos from Earth but later became their ally. (COMIC: Weapons of Past Destruction), According to one account, during their first incarnation, the Doctor adopted this name in dealing with human colonists on the planet Iwa at the same time that his granddaughter adopted the name "Susan". He is currently living with Josephine and Hemithea, while going to high school with Calypso. funny organization names (COMIC: Fogbound) Missy later made two bold claims to Bill Potts in quick succession, first that "Doctor Who" was in fact the Doctor's real name, and second that it was, more specifically, an alias he had chosen himself early on, as an attempt to "sound mysterious". Various mystical powers gained through the magical artifacts (Helmet of Fate, Amulet of Anubis, Cloak of Destiny); powers typically include spell-casting, illusion casting, astral projection, etc. When Dr. When the Nelsons try to collect the artifacts, they are murdered by two demons. (PROSE: Salvation) His seventh incarnation likewise told one of his captors that he "doubt[ed] [they]'d be able to pronounce the name [he] was originally given." (, The One Without Mercy: A title bestowed upon the Doctor by the Daleks during the Time War. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Doomsday Weapon), The Fourth Doctor wrote a series of children's books during his time with UNIT which were mistakenly published under the name "Doctor Who": they were intended to be "The Doctor, Who Discovers Historical Mysteries", but the publishers, due to a miscommunication, presented it as "Doctor Who Discovers Historical Mysteries". et al. (PROSE: Doctor Who Discovers The Conquerors), The TARDIS-Keeper on Gallifrey also knew the Doctor as "Who". Fate: Directed by Jaron Whitfill. (PROSE: Teach Yourself Ballroom Dancing), The Eighth Doctor's companion, Sam Jones, overheard his real name being said. Inza Cramer-Nelson (also Inza Saunders) debuted in More Fun Comics #55 in 1940, created by writer Gardner Fox and artist Howard Sherman. (TV: The Girl in the Fireplace, The Shakespeare Code, The Fires of Pompeii, The Time of the Doctor) Most names the Doctor kept were a matter of convenience, and they were prone to take on whichever name would help them blend in best, or stand out more, depending on the situation. While initially skeptical of Inza's Doctor Fate incarnation, she later befriends Inza after learning she is Doctor Fate from their souls interacting with one another in a near-death experience and the two become best friends. [20] Linda is killed soon afterward by the Lords of Chaos and the two reincarnated into new bodies, living out their new lives with one another. Linda is killed soon after by the Lords of Chaos. Height: 6' 2" Weight: 89kg. (AUDIO: Out of Time), The Doctor was referred to as "the Oncoming Storm" by the Draconians, (PROSE: Love and War) himself (PROSE: Vampire Science) and in "the ancient legends of the Dalek homeworld". Later, the two would merge when Mary was hospitalized as T'giian tricked her into being her host. Names, nicknames and username ideas for doctor fate. He made his last appearance in the book in issue #21 (Summer 1944), virtually simultaneously with the end of his own strip in More Fun Comics #98 (JulyAugust 1944). [64], The Helmet of Fate[73] (sometimes called the Helm of Fate, Helmet of Nabu, Helmet of Anubis, Helmet of Thoth, or Helm of Thoth) is a magical Corinthian helmet that grants the bearer godly level powers and is considered one of the most powerful magical artifacts in the DC Universe. (, The Great Destroyer: Another name given to the Doctor by the Dalek Emperor, whilst taunting the Doctor to use his Delta Wave. Wotan uses both magic and scientific skills in their pursuit of power and curiosity. By many accounts, the Doctor considered this title to be their real name. Nabu, who reveals that he was an alien entity from the planet Cilia took pity on Kent and taught him the "secrets of the universe". (TV: The Name of the Doctor), The Doctor's real name became important during the Siege of Trenzalore, as it was the signal chosen by the Time Lords to come back to the universe, broadcasting the question "Doctor Who?" In this sense, the Doctor's name was not any more or less significant than any other Time Lord's. The amulet itself is automatically granted to those who bear the Helmet of Fate, bestowed to them alongside the magical cloak. Because the thing is with being the "good" doctor he takes control of your body and he doesn't let you do the things you would normally do. These abilities includes a half-helmet state, a "battle variant" (the classical costume of Doctor Fate),[59] and can access a "library" of spells through the helmet despite lacking Nabu. Inza and Doctor Fate meet, the woman enamoured with a life potentially filled with adventure and would accompany Doctor Fate as his partner. The character was created by writer Gardner Fox and artist Howard Sherman, who produced the first three years of monthly Doctor Fate stories. In animated media, several incarnations of Doctor Fate have appeared in the Young Justice animated series; Nabu, Khalid Nassour and Kent Nelson's versions of Doctor Fate have appeared in the animated series alongside other original incarnations based on pre-existing characters such as Zatara, Zatanna, and Traci 13. Fate, the most powerful heroic sorcerer on Earth. Both Linda and Eric can also act independently as Doctor Fate, although they possess only half of their power.[44]. A Lord of Order who annexed himself from his brethren in an attempt to punish Doctor Fate, believing Nelson to have humiliated the Lords of Order with his inability to enforce order onto Earth. Never give up, never give in." The fact that Doctor Fate is one of the most powerful . Despite this, she isn't necessarily There are no officially recognized countries that begin with the letter "x." Mexico and Luxemburg are the only two countries with names containing the letter "x," while China has two regions that begin with "x" - Xizang province and the Xin. They are a student at Teen Titans Academy and later founds Young Justice Dark, a younger counterpart of Justice League Dark. Unlike her family, the Nassours typically support her endeavors and prefer her over Shaya. He also makes a brief appearance in the. In the 2020s, the character was given magical apprentices in the form of his sidekicks Stitch and Salem the Witch Girl. He would distance himself from Laryn for years after his divorce from Marisa, something he regretted. Some companions felt this was not the Doctor's strongest suit, however. In 2007, a new incarnation of Doctor Fate, Kent V. Nelson, was created by Steve Gerber and Justiniano and serves as an attempt to revitalize the Doctor Fate character. Doctor Fate made occasional modern-day appearances in Infinity, Inc. in 1984, the same year which witnessed the 22nd and final annual Justice Society/Justice League team-up. (PROSE: Alien Bodies), John Smith was an alias the Doctor frequently used on Earth and around humans when a "standard" name was needed, with the Eighth Doctor noting it was "the nom de guerre [he] seem[ed] to keep ending up with". Or you can just look at these funny pictures and laugh at them behind their back. (PROSE: Doctor Who and the Auton Invasion), The Eleventh Doctor told Clara Oswald that his original name was not important since he specifically chose the title of "Doctor" to take its place, saying it was "like a promise [one made]." A fictional version of the Egyptian god of the same name, he is the deity that empowers one of his faithful followers, Khalis, placing him at odds with both Nabu and later the first of the sorcerous line of Doctor Fate, agents of the aforementioned Lord of Order. [76][71] The helm additionally possesses the power to trap entities within its separate world[77] and is both durable and capable of regenerating from damage. (, Bowtie me: The Tenth Doctor referred to this incarnation to his companions. A member of the Salem Coven and one of Bolling's students; she was, along with the Bolling, the one whom first met Hector Hall in person shortly after moving to Salem as Doctor Fate and shares a close relationship with Kym. (TV: World Enough and Time). Grand Comics Database: Doctor Fate entries, Can Counteract Spells That Have Already Been Cast, Wields the Helmet, Cloak, Amulet, Mystic Talismans and the Mantle of Nabu, Create Energy Blasts in the Shape of his Symbol, the Ankh. Black Adam was released on October 20, 2022. She is killed during The Curse's takeover of Salem. (TV: World Enough and Time) One account even implied that their given name was ceremoniously withdrawn and stricken by their Cousins as punishment for a disgrace the Doctor had brought upon their House. At some point, she also pursued a doctorate in archaeology similarly to her husband. The 12th Doctor is called "The Thin White Doctor" thanks to him basing his wardrobe and part of his performance on David Bowie. The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate and his wife Inza Nelson appear in the, Doctor Fate's helmet made a brief appearance in the, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears in, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears in series set in the, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears in the, Several incarnations of Doctor Fate appears in, While in possession of the Helmet of Fate, Team members, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears in the opening credits of, An original incarnation of Doctor Fate named, A variation of Kent Nelson / Doctor Fate appears in, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears as a, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears as a character summon in, The Kent Nelson incarnation of Doctor Fate appears as a playable character in, Doctor Fate appears as a support card in the iOS version of, The first Doctor Fate figure was released in 1985 as part of the second wave of Kenner's, Two Doctor Fate figures were released in April 2009 as part of the, This page was last edited on 4 March 2023, at 02:58. The character would eventually be reworked into the next incarnation of Doctor Fate in JSA #33 (October, 1999). No common suggestions yet, scroll down for more ideas. Wiz: The art of magic is a perplexing thing. [45] Later, the two would marry, the magics of the Tower of Fate keeping them young. Hector Hall is a fictional character, a superhero appearing in DC Comics 's Infinity, Inc., Sandman and JSA. Several years after the New 52 reboot, DC Comics introduced its latest and second-longest-running incarnation, Khalid Nassour, the grandnephew of Kent Nelson chosen by ancient Egyptian deities and archangels. Species: Helmet? She serves as a parallel to Doctor Fate (particularly Inza), having similar magical abilities to a Lord of Chaos derived from an Egyptian entity, having been alive for over a century similar to Inza. (TV: The Name of the Doctor), Near the end of his life, despite believing there was no one left in the universe who knew it, the Tenth Doctor encountered members of an unidentified pan-dimensional race that knew his real name. (PROSE: The Terror of the Umpty Ums), K9 occasionally made playful remarks related to the "Who" name. Like Doctor Strange with the Eye of Agamotto and the Cloak of Levitation, Doctor Fate has his own set of magical equipment to reinforce Nabu's hosts. I'm Doctor 925 I know Doctor 336. When he arrived in the United States, he began a career fighting crime and supernatural evil as Doctor Fate. [43] Overtime, despite Eric's mind being similar to a child of ten years old, Linda developed romantic feelings for her step-son while Eric reciprocated such feelings. Fate/Extra CCC - Foxtail. The final issue was written by Beechen, Gail Simone, Mark Waid, and Mark Evanier, who each wrote a different ending to the story. [49]After the New 52 reboot, Inza would make a minor appearance in a flashback, establishing her as Nelson's wife like the previous continuities. Throughout their travels in time and space, the Doctor took on and was called by a number of different aliases, titles and names. Nassour would also receive a new redesign as Doctor Fate. Ace the Bat Hound Andrew Bennett Animal Man Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man Aquagirl (Lorena Marquez) Aquagirl (Tula) Aqualad (Garth) Aquaman Ares (DC) Artemis Atom Smasher Atrocitus Azrael Aqualad (Kaldur'ahm) Arsenal Ava Sharpe Axel Walker Atom Amazo Adam Strange Amazing-Man Amethyst Princess of Gemworld . No rhyming suggestions yet, scroll down for more ideas! (, Me with the ears: The Tenth Doctor called him this to address him directly. [22] In 1991, later issues of the series saw Kent's wife Inza take over as the new Doctor Fate with a different benefactor unlike her husband, starting with the 25th issue of the series Inza's tenure as Doctor Fate differs from Nelson in her focus on social class issues and inequality, using her powers to improve one of the poorest districts in New York City while defending it from corruption and genuine malevolent evil forces. Overtime, their marriage became strained due to Nabu's influence on Doctor Fate and Inza coming to resent having to be in a passive role within the Tower of Fate, resulting in a loss of a social life. (TV: The Tsuranga Conundrum), Susan Foreman knew the Doctor's real name, and wrote it on the wrappings of a hypercube she sent to him after she had settled down on Earth. She is the goddess responsible for choosing Khalid as the next Doctor Fate due to his pharaoh bloodline. She would eventually become the fourth character to bear the Doctor Fate name and the second female character to become Doctor Fate. Moon: A descriptive name the Doctor gave himself after first examining his new face. (TV: Human Nature), Often, the Doctor would use variations of the name, like the online handle "jsmith", jsmith8", (PROSE: Blue Box, Lonely) the French variation "Jean Forgeron", (COMIC: The Forgotten) or the German translation "Johann Schmidt". (, Marley's Ghost: In reference to Jacob Marley of, Big Nose: The Tenth Doctor refers to this incarnation as such when questioning the Alternate Twelfth Doctor about his whereabouts. Absolutely! - Our clients love our place and service. The amulet affords several abilities, including resistance to psychic/astral probing, allows for mind control, and bolsters a user's magical power. Alex vecht voor Denny's hart in het Mercy West Hospital, en biedt Dr. Hahn de kans om de operatie uit te voeren, aangezien Burke neergeschoten is. Is destiny a unisex name? (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation) or possibly, "Nice guy, if you're a biped". (COMIC: The Road To), When the First Doctor was using the name "Doctor Caligari" and someone remarked, "Doctor who?" The Lords of Chaos exists as an enemy to all Doctor Fates, working to ensure to bring about an age known as "Kali Yuga", a period in which chaos and reigns supreme in the known universe. She divorced Nelson upon learning of his infidelity with a younger woman. The Umbrella Man: After he rewrote her history, He used the German variation "Johann Schmidt" while posing as a German spy. The Amulet of Anubis (sometimes called the Amulet of Nabu or the Amulet of Thoth) is an amulet that was once bestowed to Anubis's most devout follower, being created by the death god himself. (TV: The Wedding of River Song), The Doctor was at a later time forced to go to Trenzalore to rescue his friends from the Great Intelligence, which sought to gain access to the Doctor's tomb. DeMatteis and Shawn McManus starting in the winter of 1988. In my nicknames for doctors, I use . And to help them, he possesses Kent's corpse to advise them. The character would become a member of the Justice Society of America, struggling with upholding the legacy of spell-casters with his initial lack of magical expertise. 80 backs by magdalena abakanowicz was deeply influenced by; whitefriars college newsletter (PROSE The Time Lord Letters), When the Doctor's final incarnation permanently died during the first battle of the War in Heaven, his coffin had two Greek letters on it; one of these was "Sigma". The character was featured in the Earth 2 ongoing series from #9 (February 2013) onwards. 12 also affectionately gets called "space granddad" for after he chills out a bit, especially in season 10. (TV: The Aztecs) However, their knowledge was limited to anything prior to the Rassilon Era. In addition, the character's powers is not tied to any known mythology, making the Doctor Fate character exclusively a mystic superhero. However, many years later, Kent decided to return to action after a premonition . In tandem with Nabu's artifacts, he gains potent spell-casting capabilities and magical powers, making him among the most powerful sorcerers of his time and the most powerful incarnation of Doctor Fate. [64] Eventually becoming a member of the Justice League Dark, Khalid would become the sole Doctor Fate in the final arc of Justice League Dark when Nelson perished in battle with Upside Down Man, having completed enough of his training to be considered one of the world's foremost magicians. [28] The character was killed in the Day of Vengeance limited series in 2005 as part of the lead in to the 2005 company-wide event story, Infinite Crisis.[29]. The business name of outlet #2 is CHAMBRE and the business location is at 4402 Rowlett Rd . Throughout their travels in time and space, the Doctor took on and was called by a number of different aliases, titles and names. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Or your chat group so everyone can use the app as simple as possible. The following is a list of individual characters from the DC Universe or its Multiverse. Iron Fist/Dr. In 1940, Kent met Inza Cramer at Alexandria, Egypt on his way back to the United States. (PROSE: Continuity Errors) He had been awarded the name upon orchestrating the destruction of the Dalek home planet Skaro in his seventh incarnation, (TV: Remembrance of the Daleks) though the Daleks also used it prior to Skaro's destruction. A fictional depiction of the Egyptian deity of the same name. Throughout his long history in DC Comics, Doctor Fate proudly co-founded the Justice Society of America in the 1940s alongside names such as The Flash, Green Lantern, and Hawkman (who is also in . The Third Doctor once stated that his real name was not "Doctor Who", but that others often called him that for lack of him divulging his actual true name. Like other iterations of the helmet prior, Thoth's patron also granted a level of enhanced intellgience and spell-casting. Fate: 17.9%: The Right Hand of Doom: Hellboy: 15.3%: The Greatest Super-Hero You've Never Heard Of: Booster Gold: 15%: The Macabre: Man .

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