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They turn a word that was already previously translated from Hebrew to English, and double or triple translate it into buttered pieces of English, and then mash it all together and call it a conclusive meaning. (a) Who are doing wicked things? Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. Habakkuk is becoming more burdened in light of the great wickedness in the land and God's . Im on the same planet with you people? 7. The first two translators were executed then the bibles they translated were printed only after the Vatican made their necessary modifications. is this between the Melchizideck priests and the Levites? And the Yahweh and Jehovah and you will come up with nothing close to comparison. Christianity, Islam and Zoroastrianism: Which is the true religion and why? Shamai Yasharala Ahayah Alahayanawa Ahaya Achaar. Maybe look into your history on this religion before standing up for them. Our savior would never have suggested such. After the serpent seed negro~Babylonian invasion of the ADAMIC [WHITE ISRAELITES] hidden in their remaining texts was the sacred name, safely guarded and protected by Moses. Yes, the permission of temporary suffering has often made it possible for children to enjoy better health later on in life. You need to read Exodus chapter 6 verse 3 where he said I appeared unto Abraham Isaac and Jacob by the name of God but by my name Jehovah was I not known unto them. Did my sister swear? No, plus wouldnt you wonder why a snake is talking in the first place. Thats my evedince. Or is Gods guidance needed in order to set up a righteous government that will bring lasting peace to the earth? The use of Jehovah was really a progression over time. A cookie is a small piece of data that is stored on your computer or mobile device browser. The scripture described wickedness, "They (wicked people) Slay the widow and the stranger and murder the fatherless. JESUS THE FATHER, JESUS THE CHRIST/SON, JESUS THE HOLY SPIRIT. I was raised a JW and I know my family had nothing but love in our home from the day we switched from being protestant due to 5 scriptures in the king James bible that led my mother to believe it had to be the truth. John Michael Friedrich on LinkedIn: #christ #jesus #jehovah #yeshua # Our Father. In fact, it would take us forever to list everything that You've promised and all that You've done. Sometimes in the King James Bible and other more modern translations (like the New American Bible and the New Revised Standard) the word 'Lord' is used in the place of YHWY instead of Jehovah. BTW all our Bible studies, articles, magazines, websites and information are free! Keep in mind that for century after century, bible translators fluent in the Hebrew and Greek languages used the English name Jehovah as the equivalent to the Hebrew divine name meaning I am that I am, which God himself explained to Moses. ALL PRAISES TO AHAYAH BAHASHAM YASHIYA WA RAWACH! If a snake came up to you and talked right now and promised you a million dollars, would you believe it? you use JEH AND THEN Hovah thats like saying JEHHOVAH when biblically written it only has one H ?? Hebrew: Yehowshaphat Well, look in the Bible for the word and you will find out what it means. If your research wasnt done from there, then God have mercy on you. | His name means TO BE. These examples of Gods pattern of action in dealing with wickedness surely constitute object lessons to be read and understood by all who have lived since. (In his prophesy of the coming Savior, Isaiah 7:14 predicted the birth of Jesus by using the name Immanuel, which also means "God with us."). You can safely completely ignore this bogus false claim that Satan means truth or that YHWH means evil God. It reads: I well know, O Jehovah, that mans way does not belong to him.It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. But because the Hebraic language was written without vowels, the actual original sound of the Tetragrammaton has been debated. Lots warning of the impending catastrophe upon the city and district was treated by his prospective sons-in-law as a big joke. (b)What does this clearly prove? . Satan is a lier !!!! Do you believe that God uses Satan's evil to bring us closer to following Christ? God also has good reasons for temporarily permitting humans to suffer, Adam and Eve, by eating the forbidden fruit, abandoned Gods rulership. Shalawam Ahch/Ahchwath, Please be advise that I've been getting emails stating that I invited people to join my Facebook account with the name Ahayah Yashiya. Jehovah permits wickedness because it's an answer to Satan's original challenge. To illustrate, in English you could say you won something, yet in Korean won is a currency. Jehovah-YHWH-tetragrammation-Yahweh-Yahawah-Yahuwah are ALL the fallen angel god of mischief and ruin, the Devil also known as Satan. You can ask them all the questions you would like to hear their point of view on and tell them your views based on your research. Human jealousy is selfish; it is fueled by envy. Another form for H1942; ruin: mischief. Proverbs 12:3-28 You can't find firm footing in a swamp, but life Do not be envious of those doing unrighteousness. 1942, HAVVAH, which is translated calamity, iniquity, mischief, mischievous (thing), naughtiness, naughty, noisome, perverse thing, substance, very wickedness.. The Watchtower quotes Genesis 3:3-5 to support the statement that Satan called God a liar. (Luke 1:30-31), God sent His Son to earth with the name Jesus, which comes from the Hebrew "Yehoshuah." You can't find firm footing in a swamp, but life rooted in God stands firm. 34 And Jehovah said unto Moses, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first: and I will write upon the tables the words that were on the first tables, which thou brakest. If Adam did, what would happen? God Moses means "saves by water". The etymology of a word does not tell us its meaning. Jehovah TsidkenuThe Lord Is Our Righteousness. Upon my investigation Jehovah Witness is one of the newest religions by Charles Taze Russell in 1870..clearly the scriptures predate thisso having gotten that out of the way, one must ask questions when reading the scriptures. JWs unknowingly led into a Satanic cult led to believe they are the only true religion. (Revelation 20:10). ; my master; Baali, a symbolical name for Jehovah Baali., The Jewish Encyclopedia (Adonai and Baal) reveals: The name Baal, apparently as an equivalent for Yhwh.. I tried hard to fight this and have come to realize exactly what it is now and why my life was one conflict accusation fight after another. Jehovah also appears as the root of several compound names that declare God's goodness to His people. In Revelation 12:9 we are told that Satan is the name of the serpent or of the devil. Jewah and Jehouah were also written forms adapted and accepted through the ages. Amen. "Let them know that you, whose name is the LORDthat you alone are the Most High over all the earth." The God, Jehovah, Jesus that we worship and praise is a God of Judgement. They decreed it should only be spoken by the high priest during the designated Day of Atonement, one of Israel's major holy festivals. It always part of JEHOVAHs plan to toy with ADAM and EVE`s intelligence, more of a game to him than anything. (Genesis 3:3-5) He thus called into question the rightfulness of Jehovahs way of ruling. (Exodus 6:3 KJV). May you be blessed with a new appreciation for the word Jehovahknowing what a precious gift it was between God and His people. My sister once spent a summer in Turkey. Cannibal Ate 23 Pizza Delivery Men, 6 Jehovah Witnesses, 2 Postmen in Past 7 Years USA: Houston police have arrested a man believed to be behind the disappearance of no less than 31 persons this past decade. These excerpts from the King James translation give some glimpses into how God stays near and active on our behalf. (See photo below) Their intentions were to prevent those in synagogues from saying Gods name. GODS PROMISES POINT TO END OF WICKEDNESS. We, humans, are stained by sin. 24:37-39) Just as they were catering to the selfish desires of the flesh and ignoring Gods warning back there, so it is today. None, however, used the exact spelling, Jehovah. Thus Jehovah had been long-suffering. YEHOVAH/JEHOVAH = SATAN | AhayahYashiya - Israelites Unite! 34 And Jehovah saith unto Moses, `Hew for thyself two tables of stone like the first, and I have written on the tables the words which were on the first tables which thou hast bro Claiming to be a continuation of a first-century Christian congregation, they cite the ancient faith's refusal to participate in war as one reason for their own refusal. Satan is very clever and what better way to mislead 7,000,000 loyal people that follow Gods words as close to what should be under a false Gods name. 5 The rebellion against God in the garden of Eden raised an important issue or question. The name has already been translated. What Do Your Lies Do To Your People In America? Notice how thorough the cleanup that Jehovah will conduct on this earth. be or become, come to pass (always emphatic, and not a mere copula or auxiliary):beacon, X altogether, be(-come), accomplished, committed, like), break, cause, come (to pass), do, faint, fall, + follow, happen, X have, last, pertain, quit (one-)self, require, X use. After the Exodus, Moses wrote theORIGINAL NON-CORRUPTED SCRIPTURES in Paleo-Hebrew/Greek in 1446 BC, ( ) did not appear in them. EVE was intelligent to know a Snake couldnt talk and would not of been stupid enough to listen to a snake, as she was in PERFECT harmony with JEHOVAH. And yes i believe yahweh is the demi-urge and it feeds off of emotions that are not Love but fear Site design and hosting by Whistlepig Softworks, LLC. Mauro Biglino is an Italian scholar of history of religions. What does the Holy Bible say? Did anyone ever say that Jehovah is evil? Jehovah Nissi means "The Lord Is My Banner." This name for God appears in Exodus 17:15the only place it occurs in the Bible. Jesus was an ADAMIC ISRAELITE. I think you will find the following interesting. Jehovah - Wikipedia So ultimately, all wickedness is described in the Old . Does the word Jehovah mean evil God in Hebrew? (a) What issue was raised by mans disobedience? Jehovah came with his holy myriads, to execute judgment against all, and to convict all the ungodly concerning all their ungodly deeds that they did in an ungodly way, and concerning all the shocking things that ungodly sinners spoke against him. (Jude14,15) The magnitude of that final execution work is indicated by the fact that myriads of angels are involved and by the fact that all the ungodly are to have execution visited upon them. Here, God tells Moses He is aware of how the Hebrews have been treated by the Egyptians, and promises to deliver them from there into the Promised Land. After the fall of Biblical Israel, their texts remained behind, while they were exiled and taken captive. God will repay evil people for their wicked acts as the bible stated . Why does God allow evil? | Table Of Contents. "And in that day thou shalt say, O Lord, I will praise thee: though thou wast angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and thou comfortedst me. Oh my goodnessIm so confused.So what is the name? The name Jehovah teaches us so many wonderful things about who you are, most importantly Your presence with us. Another promise of God that he will ease righteously disposed persons of the terrible burden of living indefinitely among the wicked was expressed by the patriarch Enoch. WHEREVER you look in the world, there is crime, hatred and trouble. JEREMIAH 2:19 KJV "Thine own wickedness shall correct thee, and thy To a greater or lesser degree, we all have to cope with the hardships and uncertainties of the times. Jehovah (/ d h o v /) is a Latinization of the Hebrew Yhw, one vocalization of the Tetragrammaton (YHWH), the proper name of the God of Israel in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. Popes declaring salvation is only found in Roman Catholic church, Quotes of Popes declaring Mary worthy of worship. If you are obeying Jehovah, then you will hear lots of true stuff. Psalm 4-1. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God . Even though wickedness had spread abroad and dominated the earth, the Supreme Ruler had swept the earth clean of wicked men. Why Has God Permitted Wickedness? - JW.ORG H962 hayah hah-yaw another form for 1943; ruin:calamity. 1) God could change everyone's personality so that they cannot sin. Period. (Psalms 83:18 NIV). His name is Ahayah and His Sons name is Yashiya. Hosea 13:16 (God threatens to rip open pregnant women & smash babies) the key word here is NOT Ahayah was NOT known to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as JEHOVAH, that was injected into the scripture to fool the masses. The True name of the Creator/God/Heavenly Father/The Most High. 9,10. To summarize what you wrote, Jehovah still refers to Satan. Original Word: Part of Speech: Noun Feminine Transliteration: hovah Phonetic Spelling: (ho-vaw') Definition: a ruin, disaster NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from havah Definition a ruin, disaster NASB Translation disaster (3). Heather's blog, Worship Walk Ministries, offers weekly Scripture passages and insights to ponder. However only ONE statement is supported in scripture; ONE statement is taking scripture out of context;ONEstatement is contradicted by scripture; and the remaining FIVE statements have no support from the bible at all! American Holocaust (The conquest of the New World), The Family of Trillionaires and the Rothschild Conspiracy (Full Documentary), Weather Warfare Documentary History Channel HAARP, Bionics, Transhumanism, and the end of Evolution (Full Documentary), Our Search for Real Discoveries Around The Dead Sea Part 1, Ahayah Yashiya: The Origin and History of the SECRET RAPTURE DOCTRINE, The HIJACKED of Christ and Mary Virgin Birth Deception Semiramis and Tammuz, Salvation To The Gentiles According To The Bible, The Truth Behind The Sons of God Nephilim, When and How to Keep the Sabbath Day Holy According to the Bible, MUST WATCH! Another striking example of Gods pattern of dealing with wicked ones is to be found in the Bible account of Sodom and Gomorrah. To a greater or lesser degree, we all have to cope with the hardships and uncertainties of the times. He forbids murder, stealing, fornication, greed, drunkenness and other acts of wrongdoing that cause humans to suffer. To Chase Cordelia, Earlier Variations, Prior to Raymundus Martini. 8:11) By their attitude, too, they betray a failure to consider the many positive warnings of Gods purpose to act. PRIVACY SETTINGS, World Premiere: Watch The Water Full Movie, The Most High does NOT Dwell in a Temple Made with Hands According to the Bible. (Exodus 20:3). By means of the question, Why does God allow wickedness?, the Watchtower is asserting that God allows wickedness. How We Know that God Will Put an End to Wickedness. Thank you. They were not so weak that they could not have resisted when the Devil tempted them. Spelling it with all small capital letters distinguishes it from other times 'Lord' is used. It always part of JEHOVAHs plan to toy with ADAM and EVE`s intelligence, more of a game to him than anything. Journal: Missionary Teaching Trip to Ghana, Liberia, Cote dIvoire and Senegal by Dr. John Oakes. 25:41) Annihilation, represented by everlasting fire, is the destiny of the beginner and leader in all wickedness, for the apostle John so describes the action in the prophetic vision given him by God: The Devil who was misleading [men] was hurled into the lake of fire and sulphur.Rev. If not, then you are obeying Satan the Devil. Jesus and Jehovah are clearly identified as the same person: "The veil was taken from our minds, and the eyes of our understanding were opened. Period. (Colossians 2:9). . He is the I AM THAT I AM. Millions of ADAMIC [WHITE ISRAELITES] are using negro~Babylonian Y names to worship God The Father and The Christ, are clueless to the blasphemy their committing. Hebrew language rules must be taken into consideration to properly translate certain words or names. (Isaiah 12:2), "Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength." I am going to reprove you, and I will set things in order before your eyes. (Ps. The TRUTH About Christianity (Christians). Then came the downpour. You must remember Jehovah and Jesus created all things PERFECT which means all creatures would HAVE a PERFECT relationship with Jehovah; there would be no need for the PERFECT Angel to want to be worshiped nor would there be any imperfect thoughts in ADAM and EVE. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. This would also mean that we would not have a free will. Muslims affirm that YAHWEY and ALLAH are the same moon god worshiped in 2 different religions, Judaism, & Islam Quran (29:46). You might see the Masoretic text referred to in footnotes as MT or M-text. Thus the promises of God furnish ample basis for anticipating an end of all wickedness, and the putting out of action of the very leader in evildoing. M. Biglino full book pdf: Wow. 7 Azariah Jackson 1 y It is true that God permits it. BACK IN GENESIS IT SAYS, ABRAHAM NAMED THE PLACE ISAAC WAS TO BE SACRIFICED, JEHOVAHJIREH; HOW IS IT IN EXODUS, THE MOST HIGH SAYS MY NAME WAS I NOT KNOWN TO THEM (ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB). I am weak, but Thou art mighty; Hold me with Thy powerful hand." What Does Genesis 6:5 Mean? "And Jehovah saw that the wickedness of man It was first mentioned between God The Father and ADAMIC Enoch. So I beseech you to study to show thyself approved.I started researching because I was reading the book of Psalms and I normally use my favorite bible but I had left it in the car, so I used a random I had lying around the house, not knowing it was an authorized King James. Did man assert his right to rule? By the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, for there is no other name under Heaven given among ADAMIC [WHITE ISRAELITES] whereby [WE] MUST be saved. 12. He commands us to love. 2:9., Is Satan Real? George Moores work can be read here. In vindication of his own name the righteous God, Jehovah, is sure to act in his own due time against every evildoer, and that time is close at hand. Jehovah Tsidkenu - But the essence is the same. Otherwise he too would have been martyred like our messiah and all of his disciples but one. 6:1-7; 2Pet. And perhaps most explicit is the fact that in his Word the destructive Flood of Noahs day and the fiery overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah are specifically named as patterns of things to come. There can be no doubt that God will put an end to all wickedness. Hallelujah was also injected into the scriptures through the Tetragrammaton because Halal is SATAN! Seen in light of Scripture, it also hints at His all-present nature: seeing, knowing, and actually being with us. - YouTube 0:00 / 59:17 Jehovah Means Father Of All Evil , Christians Should Stop. Help us seek a deeper connection to You. You should prayerfully meditate and do research on this subject more because if you are equating Gods name, the name which by your own sources use as the divine name of the true God, with that as Satan, well, I dont think I need to explain the level of blasphemy that is. Im not comfortable with this explanation. All of this is based on Strongs own research which you quoted from. One might also deduce that repeatedly yelling to readers by using multiple exclamation points denotes poor judgement and suggests lack of basic intellectual written communication. LOL. . Disregard for the rule of law is everywhere evident, in private as well as in public life. Cp. Are riots in the streets, the destruction of property and life and the widespread lawlessness things of which to be proud? An example is the doba language say the name Jehovah as Ieoba, the Cherokee language says Yihowa. Strongs Number H3068 matches the Hebrew (Yhovah),which occurs 6,519 times in 5,521 verses in the Hebrew concordance of the KJV. We hear preachers use it in sermons, and we sing it during hymns and songs: "Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land. To further illustrate the English name of God Jehovah is pronounced in different ways in different languages and yet all share the same meaning. We pray that as we have learned more about Your name, our gratitude, joy, and trust in You would grow. However, experts do not all agree on this possibility. False prophet. And in most cases they do even today. Adam and Eve chose to follow Satan; so they likewise rejected Jehovahs sovereignty and, in effect, asserted that man can decide for himself what is good and what is bad. Abraham asked if God would sweep away the righteous with the wicked. The WatchtowerquotesJeremiah 10:23. In the 13th century, the earliest Latin form of this word was introduced, which in English became "Jehovah.". You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth, Continue in the Things That You Learned. A grandson could actually be your grandfather. Peaches means to her what it means to her. the Jews, from motives of piety, uttered the name of God very rarely and eventually not at all, but substituted the title 'Adonai,' meaning 'Lord,' the vowels of which were written under the consonants of 'Yahweh.' Why ignore this commandment? Nowhere in the bible does itsay that God has given humanity an opportunity to rule themselves. (a) How did Satan contradict God? << Isaiah 5 >> King James Version 26And he [Yahweh] will lift up an ensign to the nations from far, and will hiss unto them [jewish people] from the end of the earth: and, behold, they shall come with speed swiftly. I AM THE ALPHA & THE OMEGA, says the Lord God, THE ALMIGHTY GOD. JESUS THE FATHER & CREATOR GOD. If man ignores Gods laws, he will come into difficulty, just as surely as he would suffer if he ignored his bodys need for food and water.Proverbs 3:5,6. If you want to know the Hebrew meaning of a word, you should ask a Hebrew speaker (or in this case the ancient Hebrew meaning of the word can be learned from a speaker of ancient Hebrew). Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked, Gen. 18:23. Her book, Bow Down: The Heart of a True Worshipper is a practical, 30-day devotional about worship based on the writings of King David. Essentially, they redefine the parts slice by slice. anyone going to point out that the word Jehovah isnt even in the Bible. (a) Why did Eve disobey God? God is watching the children to see if they're doing the same thing that the parents did. Even from a considerable distance Abraham could observe how thick smoke ascended from the land like the thick smoke of a kiln!Gen. Well the meanings of Je and Hovah is amazing evidence to suggest that Jehovah is in fact the God of ruin. Beginning in the 16th century, early translations, such as King James and William Tyndale's translations of the first five books of the Old Testament, started using this form of the Tetragrammaton. If you are disobeying Jehovah, then you will hear lots of lies. Some even profess to be Christians, and spout off this unfounded jargon. Jeremiah Chapter 1 with Meaning - King James Bible The apostle Paul expresses his confidence that God is able to answer the prayers and fulfill the expectations of His worshippers in ways that they might not think possible. Download Ebook I Am Jezebel A Former Jehovahs Witness Breaks Her document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Many of the Gnostics in the second and third century made exactly this claim, for example in the Gospel of Judas. They had refused to reform. What Does Jehovah Mean? A Biblical Study On The Word Jehovah " This hidden name of God evokes the sense of mystery and power that is . No. I do feel for the witnesses that have been mislead but narrow is way that leads to life and few will find it. What Were the Reasons for the Flood? - Blue Letter Bible She selfishly thought that she would benefit by disobeying God. Im yuong. No, plus wouldnt you wonder why a snake is talking in the first place. The literal meaning of the name is "I am the one who is" ( or, more simply, "I am." Most witnesses are lonely, widowed, suffer from some form of mental illness and are the least educated of all religions they are told never to get answers or listen to anything but what the watchtower governing body says. Even if it did, it would do absolutely nothing to prove his point. The family or kinsman of Jesus Christ were ADAMIC ISRAELITES. Pray to our Father and ask Him to reveal all truth to you. (Matthew 4:10) But they did not. So Jehovah allowed time to settle the important issue that was raised. God foreknew there would be, and caused the apostle Peter to prophesy: In the last days there will come ridiculers with their ridicule, proceeding according to their own desires and saying: Where is this promised presence of his? Amazingly, in the same Bible, you find out The Creators truth about the world we live in. 6:18) His dealings with wicked men of the past and his deliverance of the righteous point to the pattern he will follow in our day. I understand how you feel. The name YHWH, consisting of the sequence of consonants Yod, Heh, Waw, and Heh, is known as the tetragrammaton. Do You Know the Origin and Meaning of the Name Jehovah? Shalam! 3 It was Satan the Devil who started wickedness on earth. Jesus had to be without spot, remember? you cannot have without that is not within. 1942, 'HAVVAH', which is translated "calamity, iniquity, mischief, mischievous (thing), naughtiness, naughty, noisome, perverse thing, substance, very wickedness." Put the two (Je + hovah) together and you get "God of ruin, mischief, calamity, perversion, wickedness and noisome.

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