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He's a bleedin' dope 17. Meaning: Well done!Example of usage and translation: Jaysus, you did well there, good woman yourself! = Jesus man, well done, congratulations!, Meaning: ThingyExample of usage and translation: Wheres that yoke gone? = Where has that random thing gone that I was looking for?, Meaning: My girlfriendNote: You can also refer to a group of females as mots., Meaning: VeryExample of usage and translation: Its fierce windy out = Its very windy outside, Meaning: Equivalent the F wordExample of usage and translation: wheres me bleedin phone? = Where my F****** phone?, Meaning: That sucks / How unfortunate for you. Example: Dont forget your raincoat and boots. Ah bollix can also be used if you have forgotten something or done something wrong. Example: Hey, hows the form? Ask any Irish person! Leg it means to move quickly. About 20 times a day, I use this. Bollocks/bollix Can be used instead of saying bullshit. Example: Dont be such a pox. Its bucketing down outside. Meaning: What culchies call people from Dublin. Gammy : Useless. a term from old Irish slang used to describe a chancer. Example: Its so sad to see a shitehawk, but I have no money to spare. For instance, That new full-back theyve brought on is pure class.. I dont know, but it sounds like some Irish slang Ive heard my entire life. For instance, Last night, the pub was jam-packed with culchies.. Kip This Irish slang word has two meanings. Meaning: (Noun) A scut is a person who is deemed as stupid or a waste. For instance, Im going in there right now and eating his head off! The TV is banjaxed simply means its not working. Shes right on or Last week, I fixed the bike in Riordains yard. It was spot on and only cost ten pounds. But be careful if trying to use it yourself as the person on the receiving end might take offense. Ah, another Irish proverb that describes something brilliant with a word that is actually used to describe something dangerous. People often answer with this expression when someone tells them something great. After that, we all returned to Sharons. For instance, Did you hear Bernie and Martins youngster cheated on the Garda exam. That young man is the Gobdaw, if there ever was one. Young men and women are frequently referred to as youngfellas and youngwans, respectively. Meaning: (Verb) The old Irish slang beamer means that a person is going red all over the face because of embarrassment. Our website is full of tips, reviews and travel deals to help you plan your next trip away. This is one of those funny Irish phrases that an Irish parent will shout after their children when they insist on doing something that might hurt them. Example: Im glad we met your mot. There are many different ways to use the word fine: If you hear someone say Its fine, they are saying Its OK. When someone calls someone a Fine thing, it typically means they find them attractive. But in Irish slang, savage means outstanding or amazing. Say, Eh, is that Karen up there on that table? She has consumed 17 vodkas. I had a wild night last night. For instance, John spills his pint of Guinness and shouts Bollix in annoyance. This Irish expression is used to request that someone wait for you or to pause what you are saying. To be pissed off/fucked off Means to be annoyed with something/someone/a situation. Shut your bake, you clown, for instance. It can also mean they are taking advantage of you. Meaning: Youre a disgraceExample of usage and translation: Oh my god, she was an absolute state. We use cookies for analytics tracking and advertising from our partners. Im at a loss for words for this one. One more gentle one. Martinas youngwan was in working with us for a few days last week, for instance. She only needed four years. Example: You gowl! Howaya! Used when it is raining especially hard outside. Example: Continue with that behavior and Ill tell everyone youre a bollox! "Tommy, it's been donkey's years since you've been here!". Thats sound! Not to be confused with the following. Shane, hows the form? is an example. For instance, Your man was caught last week robbing the Superquinn till., means I most certainly wont be doing that. Whats up with that? He is a smooth-talker and gets what he wants, even in the wrong way. Bang on is a way to describe a person or a circumstance. drunk and banned. Give me a shot. How many years has it been since we saw each other? Meaning: (Adjective) Locked is another term used when a person is blackout drunk. It's worth noting that when someone says that they're 'grand', they may not necessarily be so. His sister told his Mam about what happened, for instance. Can you still walk? You are such a clown! For instance, Shite, store the cans. There are two peelers approaching from that direction. You threw away all the important documents! Jesus, Mary and Joseph This is one of those Irish things to say that every Irish mammy will utter, over and over again. Thats why he dropped out of school. I laughed until my belly hurt! For instance, That new pub on the corner is deaaaaadly!. Good God, it just occurred to me how many Irish proverbs there are for foul weather! Meaning: (Phrase) Stall the ball is used when a person is asking someone to wait for him or her or to stop a conversation midway. Example: I heard he turned in to a skanger. For instance, All those guys do is sit around and play Xbox. They are two dryshitters. Meaning: (Verb) The term dander is used in everyday conversation and means to walk.. Depending on the circumstance, this one might be offensive. By half past ten, I had locked myself in bed. Meaning: Oh my God!Explanation: In Ireland, its okay to use the Lords name in vain to express your frustration. Example: Lets go. Bags (To make a bags of something) Make a mess of doing something. Meaning: Stop moaning / complainingNote: To gurn is to complain about a person. Meaning: Little brats /little shitsExplanation: shitehawk can be used affectionately. Can also mean someone is a fool. Its finely stopped pissing down. The day is suitable for drying. For example: 'Will you put the bins out later?' 'Yeah, grand.' It is also the. Meaning: (Adjective) The Irish slang all lured denotes a feeling of delight towards someone or something. Actually, you could also use the word lash in this sentence, as in Give me a lash of that., You could say, Gimme a shot of that kettle there when referring to A shot.. Meaning: (Verb) Faffing is used by Irish people when a person is pretending to do something or acting like he or she is doing something but with no half measures. Some of my favorites are listed below. Its complete shite. So much so that I always thought that they WERE Scots. Sorry pal, can you tell me where the jacks is? is one example. I legged it for the bus means I ran for the bus. Whats the story? Meaning: (Phrase) The Irish phrase be wide is what the locals used to tell a person to be careful. Youll hear this phrase frequently when people are describing people they dont like. Meaning: (Expression) Go and bollox is the Irish way of saying you are not agreeing with what a person is saying to you. Such as, Ross, ya pox! Irish slang words and phrases and how to use them The state of you! Example: Why are you with that geebag? Someone who causes trouble. Meaning: (Verb) The Irish slang shifting is used when two people are making out. In Ireland, there are literally countless ways to describe someone we dont like. Sound Out - 1. Pronounced as ki-togue, it is an Irish slang that usually refers to a left-handed person. Meaning: (Phrase) When you hear someone say sure look, it means it is what it is or a person is bored but does not want to talk more. Meaning: (Adjective) Flutered is used to describe a person who is drunk. Fair play This Irish phrase is used a lot to tell someone well done for something they have done, completed or achieved. Give it a lash! Howsagoin?! The word unreal typically refers to something that is imagined or illusory, but not in Ireland. She might get upset even if its only a joke. Meaning: (Adjective) Banjaxed is an Irish slang word that can either mean a person is drunk, brokenhearted, or tired. Meaning: A messExample of usage and translation: Me hairs all over the shop = My hair is a mess. Meaning: (Greeting) Hows she cutting is an expression used when you are overly excited upon seeing a friend. Meaning: (Adjective) To many of us, deadly means something dangerous that could lead to death when done. 20. However, I may be getting older and going out less as a result. Maybe they are culchie. Meaning: (Expression) The term acting the maggot is when an Irish person deems to mess around instead of doing what he or she is supposed to be doing. Example: Hey, young wan! can also be used as a salutation, as in Ah, Tony. Hows the fun? a favorite of mine. Youre a savage! Did you see her taking a piss in front of the Garda station?" = "Oh my god, she was a disgrace. For instance, I gave him a kick in the bollox because he was slagging me.. For instance, Mam made you some dinner. Later, Ill drop it off. Meaning: (Expression) A grand aul day is an expression used in Ireland when the weather is perfect. Example: I was locked last night and cant remember how I got home. Its definitely Irish slang once more. And I can tell you its not only my family that does this. Although Ireland became a country that spoke English as its primary language around the turn of the 19th century, the English that is spoken there differs significantly from the original. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. 2. Jammers when someone says it was jammers this means the bus/pub/train was packed with people. Hows she cutting? Someone who has no life or laughs in him. OTool assigned us enough math homework to last about seven weeks. 25. Scarlet Is an Irish slang word for embarrassed. Meaning: (Expression) The expression bout ye means how are you doing? in Irish slang. If you hear this you should expect sunshine and warm weather, possibly a light breeze. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Fooling and messing around. Meaning: (Noun) A melter is someone incredibly annoying that he or she might actually melt your brain. Example: This party is dryshite. Meaning: (Adjective) Gobshite is used to describe an incompetent person. A person who is able to shape circumstances to their advantage is referred to as a cute hoor because they are relatively crafty. So, if you are excited to learn about Irish slang words, lets start now! Hold on for a moment, and Ill pass it to you right away! Can also be used to mean a person. Meaning: (Phrase) In a heap/hoop is a person who is overly intoxicated. This *might* give you an insight. Take a look below! And this is the one that the fantastic Father Ted series popularized. Bad dose. Can you use your jumper cables to give it a lash? Therefore, Ireland has been one of the most recommended destinations for people who love to travel and explore the world. When my sister told me shed won 50 on a bet during the Irish Grand National my immediate response was you jammy sod. Meaning: (Expression) The word cracking is another Irish slang for good. It is mostly used in Northern Ireland. Meaning: (Adjective) Class is another term for good in Ireland. I only have it for a week and its gone to shit. As above, usually instead of saying something like hi buddy, any news. Revealing the Origins of this Scary Irish Creature, What is Ireland Famous For? Manky Used to describe something that is dirty, horrible, ugly or disgusting. Youll often hear hes an awful eejit meaning hes a bit dumb. Boke: Vomit. . Example: You are a fine young lady, so dont let any man break your heart. Meaning: (Noun) Fella is Irish slang for a boy or a man at any age. For instance, I called over yesterday and he talked for an hour about his new tractor. It wasnt very fun. Youll often hear Irish mammies say ah feck instead of the f-word around kids. Ah here you can go and bollox if you think Im doing that., Ive a pain in me bollox with you/listening to you refers to annoyance with something or someone, This is yet another way to describe something that is filthy or in poor condition. Thank you so much is what thanks a million means. Example: You went to the beach? Contextualized as embarrassed. Where's the jacks? Hes going home to a tongin from the wife. Meaning: (Noun) The word wean is used to identify a small child. Or a little shady. Meaning: (Adjective) In Ireland, dope has a different meaning from the American version of the word. It has the same meaning in the English language. Meaning: (Expression) In Irish lingo, feck is the f word, which is a funny way of saying it. Example: I cant explain it but Im in bits after the meeting. Youll be getting off your hole and emptying the bins in 5 minutes, for instance. Any type of alcohol-free beverage is called minerals in Ireland. Dilutable = Non-alcoholic concentrated syrup used to make beverages. Will I, yea? Grand : good / okay. This is a phrase that means "a long time" or a "number of years". By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Another way to describe someone who is very intoxicated is with this phrase. I thought they were sold out, Savage, man. Ever. Theres a grand aul stretch in the evenings This is often uttered in springtime, particularly when the clocks have moved forward in March and evenings are staying brighter for longer. 3. Ireland is the second largest island in the world, just next to Great Britain. Join our newsletter for exclusive features, tips, giveaways! Here are a few (Ill update this again later as new comments are submitted). Example: You better teach the chiseler not to mess with my things. Up to 90 If you hear someone say she was up to 90 it usually means the person was busy or run ragged doing things. After more than 400 comments, the following guide was created. A significant number of Irish slang words that I had never heard of were discovered by the Instagram post. It can mean someone is an idiot, a bit silly or just plain stupid. Example: Are you done with schoolwork? For a personge to be alright, good, and fair dinkim. He may have taken us in a taxi to our destination and then hopped out without paying for it, for instance. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Example: He is such an eejit for breaking your heart! This term, which is pronounced Flue-tered, designates a person who has consumed more alcohol than 9 pints. Meaning: (Noun) Yoke is Irish slang that is used to call something with a name you cant remember, even when you think hard enough. This one hasnt been used very frequently lately. Example: Howsagoin? Meaning: (Expression) The expression houl yer whisht is used when a person is trying to tell others to keep quiet. For instance, She ultimately passed her exams. Nobody knows when the rain will stop in Ireland. Go away outta that This is another Irish phrase that has a few meanings, depending on the situation. Meaning: (Greeting) The greeting How ya getting on? is used when two people have not seen or talked to each other in a while. An Irish proverb that expresses approval of behavior is nice one. Such as, Ah, nice one! . A person who is having the craic is having fun, as in Ah, man, Im dying. We returned from the pub at 2:00, but we continued to have fun until 7:00. Irish slang words and meanings Eejit - This is probably one of the most commonly used Irish slang terms that I know of. Someone having notions may think they are better than others or their situation is better than it actually is (whether they realise it or not). Come here to me Youll hear this, usually, at the start of a conversation or sentence when someone wants to get your attention or has something important to me. Well, no need to reach for your Irish language dictionary just yet. Thanks a million! It is pelting down. Example: Im glad to spend time with you this summer. I had a rotten drunken night. Did you see her going to the toilet in front of the police station?. Boking/boke/boked - not the most pleasant thing 15. This Irish expression, which is overused and not unique to any one county, is used frequently. Irish slang words and phrases and their meaning, Best Things to Do in Donegal, Ireland (County Guide), 15 Prettiest and Best Coastal Towns in Ireland to Visit,, What are the Irish known for? Do you mean to say Susans here? Example: Should we bring a sanger to avoid getting hungry while on the trip? Unfortunately, it was all I could find. Example: Quit slagging her. Although he is from Malahide, he is spot on. Irish people frequently refer to people or situations as Gas. Funny is referred to as gas in Irish slang. Mocking is catching If you are mocking or teasing someone about something, be careful karma doesnt come to bite you in the backside! It can often be heard from irritated parents telling off their offspring. One of the most enjoyable posts Ive written in a while was this one. This term is used for an acquaintance and even for your father. Example: Thats so funny. Meaning: (Noun) An eejit is a person who acts stupid or is just a plain idiot. Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. Story horse? You dropped your wallet. Be advised, the last section contains swear/curse/cuss words, so if you dont want to read them, skip the last section. Where's your mot? Meaning: (Noun) A goon is Irish slang for a man whos so drunk he becomes too loud and too much to handle. Last night, after Foleys, I was in a hoop. Meaning: (Adjective) The term shitehawk is used to describe the poorest of the poor. So, I actually believed that the term giving out was used widely. I need a barrel of Soudafed, for instance. To slag someone is to mock them. Here are a few slang terms that are employed to describe girls and women. . In Ireland, we discuss the weather a lot. I was raging I missed it means Im so disappointed I missed it. For instance, Since she got home and saw what the dog did to the couch in the living room, shes been up to 90.. Probably more often than not, sound is used as an affirmative response, as in Ah, sound. Thank you for that. For instance, Declan has been in there for the past hour looking around., To eat the head off someone is to become extremely enraged with them. Meaning: (Noun) A geebag is a woman who is not pleasant. rinnai condensate drain installation Likes. This guide to Irish slang words and phrases, insults, and expressions will assist you in deciphering some of what the locals are saying while in Ireland. That was shite can means that was rubbish. Im going to volunteer to translate Irish slang to keep it going and to make this guide as helpful as possible. Im going on the lash at the weekend means I am going out drinking this weekend. The car wont start, for instance. It can also be used in annoyance. Ill speak with you later, okay? Example: Dont be skeptical. This piece is deadly. Meaning: (Adjective) Dead on is a phrase used when a person is hot or good-looking. Im having the craic this instant. 5863 Irish Slang Words, 20 Famous Funny Irish Sayings to Get You Laughing, [Ireland Attractions] Top Places to Visit in Ireland in 2023, Four Countries With A GREEN WHITE ORANGE Flag (and their meanings), Is Wicklow Worth Visiting? This way, you wont have a hard time understanding locals that often use Irish expressions. The most common Irish slang insults are "eejit" or "gombeen" which means "idiot." Minerals Here we are coming back to the drinking culture in Ireland. Youll hear Dubliners saying town was jammers in the run up to Christmas when the streets are full of shoppers. I don't know, but it sounds like some Irish slang I've heard my entire life. Email: Word: Define: It was in this paper bag, but its not inside anymore. Clean is a translation. Is it true that your cousin is getting married just after a few weeks of dating? 125 Irish Slang Words and Phrases to Sound Like a True Local Ireland is the second largest island in the world, just next to Great Britain. In other words, a messer. The term used to describe filthy or dung-filled people. Example: Come meet my mucker. Since there are so many different ways to use the word craic, Im giving it its own section. You look well! Oi / / is an interjection used in various varieties of the English language, particularly Australian English, British English, Indian English, Irish English, New Zealand English, and South African English, as well as non-English languages such as Chinese, Tagalog, Tamil, Hindi / Urdu, Japanese, and Portuguese to get the attention of another Example: Wow, your boyfriend sure is dead on! Why? For example, its bloody freezing means it is really, really cold. Meaning: (Noun) A chancer is a person who takes a chance on anything, especially when theres an opportunity for him or her to become successful. In this case, we will define soft drinks according to Irish slang. Meaning: (Verb) The Irish slang phrase leg it means that the person saying this to you wants you to move quickly or run to avoid being late. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Someone who works for the police. Such as, Story horse?! Shes cutting how? 125 Irish Slang Words and Phrases to Sound Like a True Local Ireland is the second largest island in the world, just next to Great Britain. Shes up there giving out to Tony about something, for instance. Meaning: (Expression) The term Its spitting is used when there is light rain. Here are some terms youll need to know, whether youre a first-time visitor or just trying to watch an Irish movie without needing subtitles. He might act like a bollox, but he's sound out really. This Irish proverb is frequently used in a crude manner to describe someone who is feeling queasy, as in Ive had a bad dose of the shits all day.. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. . For instance, Dont worry about it; its great., Up to 90 means completely occupied with something. Give it a lash basically means to try something out. So, strangely enough, the most frequent email weve received since we first published this guide in early 2019 is from people looking for words and Irish slang for girl. Meaning: (Greeting) The term hows the form? is a greeting when you unexpectedly see a friend you havent spoken to in a while. Giving out literally translates as to whine. brought everything, including dessert. That lad keeps texting me, for instance. Example: Do what you want; Im up to 90 today. However, a quick Google search for 18th-century Irish speech suggested this: A place where members can be honest with each other, share their stories and travel photos, and try out a new way to see Ireland together. Irish In origin. It can also be used to indicate someone is irritated or angry. Meaning: (Phrase) The phrase In rag order or in ribbons is not that common nowadays, but some locals still used to describe a person who is very drunk. Example: My oul fella wants to join this trip and I said yes. Here are some more typical expressions using Irish slang words, from the messages to jammy.. Meaning: (Expression) Its rotten is another way of saying its raining in Ireland. Im not sure when hell be back. Cat. The term is commonly used as an insult in Ireland. Quality, I see. A manky day out refers to a day that is grey, miserable and probably raining too. Meaning: (Expression) One of the funny Irish phrases today is suckin diesel because who would want to do that, right? The 20 Happiest Countries in the World, 2022, This Guide To Irish Slang and Insults Will Have You Downing Guinness With the Locals in a Flash, The Ultimate Guide To the Many Accents in Ireland, 12 Common Hand Gestures in the US That Will Insult People in Other Countries, 29 Phrases To Get You Started Learning Pidgin English, Does Duolingo Actually Work? Meaning: (Noun) A mot is a Dublin word that is used as slang for a girlfriend. The following section delves into Irish idioms and slang terms that Ive used in the past but that were completely lost on listeners. When absolutely no fun was being had, it was said to be minus craic, which is the complete opposite of having the craic. For instance, Last night, we went to the new club. . Giving out Means someone is complaining about someone or something. I havent seen him in donkeys years means that you havent seen that person for a very long time. It is often used to refer to rougher parts of Dublin in particular. Example: Feck, I forgot to charge my phone! When people greet one another, a lot of crazy Irish slang words are frequently used. This is yet another mild example of Irish slang for someone you dont particularly like. So "have sohme fun with ooehr Oirish accent translator bot!" If you like our Irish why not create a great app with it by using our Irish API? Example: Theres a long line at the jacks. Im famished! It is also used as an insult. If you hear an Irish person say this in response to someone asking them to do something, it actually means there is not a hope in hell they will do it! Example: Hes gone from the house early this morning. That young lad was acting the maggot in here last night.. Cant stop, Im sorry. They are not real. He thought I was trying to get his attention, even though I already had it. Slievene Means a sneaky person. Example: "Stop acting the maggot." 24. Example: Hurry, theres a peeler heading our way. Im in a hurry, so lets talk soon! Lashing You'll hear this one on a regular basis in Ireland. The Irish term is another word for a stupid person. In recent years, Ive heard much less of this one. Leave a door open unnecessarily in an Irish house and youll hear this expression coming your way. Get up the yard 13. You appear healthy. Shamey Brannagin was once more caught stealing from Kerrigans, for instance. So, to have a bad dose means to have a bad case of the flu or a cold. Example: Its spitting outside but it might rain harder, so dont forget your umbrella. I frequently use this one. Rainey weather type. Meaning: (Expression) Up to high doh is an expression used when a person is excited or cant wait for something to happen. Travel Around Ireland is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,, Example: Cmere to me and tell me why your mother is furious again. If something is inferior or ugly, you cannot change it into something of value or attractive. Stall the ball chief, Ill be there in 20, or Stall the ball a minute what did he say? are two examples. For instance, Here. The hostel were staying in is a kip and a half, for instance! Let me help you with your things. Although I personally dont use the word feck, it is one of my favorites because it is associated with the wonderful Father Ted series.

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