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The first IFTHEN WHEN=(logexp) clause identifies and operates on header records (HDR in positions 1-3); OVERLAY puts todays date in the form ddd/yyyy in positions 6-13, adds a 0 in position 81, adds a ZD sequence number in positions 82-83 and does not affect the rest of the record. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Input file has one or more records for same employee number. C'WED',C'WEDNESDAY', - JCL - Examples Example 1: Alocate PS dataset using IEFBR14 UTILITY //STEP01 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSOUT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSDUMP DD SYSOUT=* //DD1 DD DSN=userid.IBMMF.PSFILE, // DISP= (NEW,CATLG,DELETE),VOLUME=SER=DEVL, // SPACE= (TRK, (1,1),RLSE),UNIT=SYSDA, // DCB= (DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800) //* OUTREC= (1,10,50,4,40,4) Both examples will reformat the record so that it consists of the first 10 bytes of the input record, followed by the 4 bytes starting at position 50, followed by the 4 bytes starting at position 40. BUILD in SORT - Example:IFTHEN abbreviate a word from Input File Syntax for using FIELDS parameter in its simplest form:-, C ==> indicates the position in output field, P ==> indicates the position of input field, Requirement: To copy all the records from input file to output file. . Example: FINDREP: Reformat each record by doing various types of find and replace operations. INREC statement. - the incident has nothing to do with me; can I use this this way? . One step to take the larger (expectation) of the two counts, "work out" what 00% would be (doesn't need anything but a simple subtraction, with the right data) and generate a SYMNAMES format file (fixed-length 80-byte records) with a SORT-symbol for a constant with that value. Default for PARSE: None; must be specified. For date values in the form Cyyyy/mm/dd, you could use the DATE1(/) constant; For date values in the form Cyyyy-mm, you could use the DATE2(-) constant; For date values in the form Pyyyyddd, you could use the DATE3P constant; For date values in the form Zyymmdd (2-digit year date), you could use the YDATE1 constant. How to use Slater Type Orbitals as a basis functions in matrix method correctly? Example: Reformat each record by specifying just the items that overlay specific columns. . @Bill my both input files has approx 10000 records. If clause 6 is satisfied, its build items are applied and processing stops. Next . Statement OUTREC FIELDS=(1:1,30,36:SEQNUM,5,ZD), is used here to indicate that field at position (1 to 30 i.e. OVERLAY - Replace the selected columns without impacting other columns. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! CSM, CSPO, CSD, CSP, A-CSPO, A-CSM are registered trademarks of Scrum Alliance. For example, if you wanted to create a record with just Cdddyy, you could do it with OUTREC as follows: Lets say we have a Cyyyymmdd date field starting at position 10 of each record. 1,20 - data at 1st position of input file with length 20 copied to 1st position(if you don't specific position, it will start from 1st position) of output file. Multiple output records are created with the / sub parameter. 1,6,ZD means "the information, at this moment, at start-position one for a length of six, which is a zoned-decimal format". v If WIDTH(n) is not specified, ICETOOL sets the record length and You can assign up to 1000 parsed fields (%0-%999) to the variable fields you want to extract. There are multiple Date Functions by which you can reformat input dates. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Following records will be selected from the input file. In addition to this it will replace 3 letter day-of-week name at position 11 in input file with its full name at position 11. . The sequence number will be 1 for the first header record, 2 for the second header record and 3 for the third header record. Overlay lets you change specific existing columns without affecting the entire record. It confuses people trying to give you an answer. Maybe I have it wrong but I was trying to have the first include exclude what would get selected in the second an subsequent includes. Example: OUTREC BUILD= (1,20,C'ABC',26:5C'*', 15,3,PD,EDIT= (TTT.TT),21,30,80:X) OVERLAY: Reformat each record by specifying just the items that overlay . // DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE), OUTREC FIELDS=(..,55,8,Y4W,ADDDAYS,+2,TOJUL=Y4T(/),..) adds +2 days to the date in the input file and converts it to Julian date before writing it to output file from 55th position. present. You can delete, rearrange and insert fields and constants. Example: INREC BUILD= (1,20,C'ABC',26:5C'*', 15,3,PD,EDIT= (TTT.TT),21,30,80:X) OVERLAY: Reformat each record by specifying just the items that overlay specific columns. // DISP=(,CATLG,DELETE), We share solutions for developer day to day problems and interview questions. places 'B' (matched records), '1' (present in file1, but not in file2), or '2' (present in file2 but not in file1) in the 1st position of the output BUILD. Example: Reformat each record by specifying just the items that overlay specific columns. Overlay lets you change specific existing columns without affecting the entire record. Adding a sequence number to the output file. Now its working fine. PMP, PMBOK, PMI-ACP and PMI are registered trademarks of the Project Management Institute, Inc. Professional Scrum Master, PSM, Professional Scrum Product Owner, PSPO etc. is the protected brand of instead. does not exceed a specific maximum (for example, 20 bytes). Inrecworks just like if you wantto replace a part of your input record to your data. Overlay lets you change specific existing columns without affecting the entire record. OUTREC FIELDS=(1,29,JFY=(.., LEAD=C'<,TRAIL=C>),..) adds the C< as a lead and C> as a trail. To include a single apostrophe in the string, you must specify it as two single apostrophes example, to include the word Toms you need to specify CToms. The problem I am facing is datasets FILE1.DATA.COUNT and FILE1.DATA.COUNT are getting created of 15 record length despite mentioning LRECL 6. WIDTH can only be specified OUTREC FILEDS or OUTREC BUILD It is used to reformat each record by specifying all of its items one by one. In addition I want only part of the record in the output file given by the below 3 BUILD's. 88888JOHN PURCHASING 08000 2) Convert ZD to PD; example of ZD formats are '000000000002.459000-' and '0000000000000005.42-'. FINDREP - Can do find and Replace operation using this parameter. What are the RECFM and LRECL of your inputs? Although you may invoke it via JCL, it is NOT JCL. The question is unclear, so this is just a guess at what was wanted. SORT statement. IFTHEN clauses for the OUTREC statement can be used to select subsets of the output records and apply different BUILD, FINDREP or OVERLAY items to them. Specifies d digits for the count in the output record, overriding the JOINKEYS specifies the field on which the two files are compared. DFSORT/SYNCSORT or a subsequent program reading the files? To perform lookup of input data and if it matches then replace it with some other data. The OUTREC control statement allows you to reformat the input records after they are sorted, merged, or copied. If 6th position is SPACES, then text "EMPTY" is appended to input record. You can delete, rearrange and insert fields and constants. All to set an RC. You can use Z or 1Z to specify a single binary zero. JCL - Basic Sort Tricks - The%01parsed field is used to extract the first variable field into a 5-byte fixed parsed field. You could insert the current time as well as the current date in your records to produce a timestamp. JCL - Examples - JCL Tutorial - IBMMainframer PUSH extends each record by placing the date and register number from the header record at the end of each record in the group, followed by a 5-byte group number and a 3-byte record sequence number. Writing Only Publisher, Number In Stock, and Number Sold Fields. How can I use it? is the protected brand of Explnation: In above case all records will be copied from input file to output file. Using SORT DATE Functions you can dynamically insert the date, like yyyy-mm-dd or any format instead of a constant date like 2021-01-01. And setting Return Code if it crossing a threshold (90%). I have used OPTION COPY for clarity. C'THU',C'THURSDAY', - So the following control statement will include only those records with a Cyyyymmdd date in positions 10-17 equal to todays date: Of course, you can use the other comparison operators (NE, GT, GE, LT, LE) as well as EQ. In the following example an INREC statement will be used to abbreviate each instance of NEW JERSEY and NEW YORK in a record when position 24 of the record contains a X01. SORT FIELDS=(1,5,ZD,A) The input file will be sorted first and written to the output. The second IFTHEN WHEN=(logexp) clause identifies and operates on trailer records (TRL in positions 1-3); OVERLAY puts todays date in the form ddd/yyyy in positions 11-18, adds a 9 in position 81, adds a ZD sequence number in positions 82-83 and does not affect the rest of the record. The finaloutput will be the same. If you know that your count requires less than 15 digits, you can use 40 RAMESH 34000 03 20120410 50 Kishore 50000 02 20120408. Reformat each record by specifying all of its items one by one. OUTREC FIELDS=(..,6,73)copies the input file data from 6th byte to the output file from 8th byte onwards as it is. To avoid confusion (due to the "overloading" of OUTREC), don't use OUTREC on OUTFIL, which is for "backwards compatability", use the modern BUILD instead, which is entirely equivalent. The answer to your first question is simply that you did not tell Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. if WRITE(countdd) is specified. Not the answer you're looking for? Following records will be selected from the input file. Syncsort Manual: Click Here. If clause 5 is satisfied, its overlay item is applied and processing stops. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Example: OUTREC FINDREP=(IN=Csmall,OUT=CSMALL) finds the text small in the entire input file with the SMALL and writes to the output. Note, the physical order in which these are specified in the JCL does not affect the order they are processed in. OUTREC FIELDS=(1,48,..) copies first 48 bytes input file data as it is to output. Please do not use JCL as a general term for utilities. Letsinsert the below data types between the fields in the output file. The 0, 1 or 9 identifier byte added in position 81 allows us to sort the header records (0) first, followed by the detail records (1), and then the trailer records (9). OUTREC keeps only positions 1-80 for the OUTFIL output records, thus removing the identifier byte and sequence number we added in positions 81-83 with the INREC statement (we do not want these temporary fields in the OUTFIL output records). Please post your sysouts including the syntax errors.. FWIW- Those are not ZD values. SORT FIELDS=(1,3,ZD,A) - Once the above two tasks done, the file will sorted and the same writes to output after sorting. Enjoy unlimited access on 5500+ Hand Picked Quality Video Courses. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. OUTREC FIELDS=(1,80,SQZ=(..,PREBLANK=C'(),..)) Blanks out the (). Example 2: Generate the sequence numbers to identify the record position before sorting using INREC. You can mix p,m fields (fixed fields) and %nn fields (parsed fields) in BUILD and OVERLAY. JOHN 08000 OUTREC FIELDS=(..,5X,..) adds 5 spaces from 63rd position. NOMATCH=(11,3), - What is \newluafunction? As a mainframe resource, if you have command on DFSORT you will get many job opportunities. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. All the AMSAM00 records are INCLUDED, everything else (which is unwanted for the OUTFILs) is ignored. // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=30,BLKSIZE=0), Unnecessary fields are eliminated from the output records using INREC or OUTREC. and OUTREC FIELDS= (.) Otherwise, you can let ICETOOL calculate and set the Please do not use JCL as a general term for utilities. View all posts by Srini. Include 3 is doing the same except excluding 1 and 2 includes. This is from the DFSORT Application Programming Guide: WRITE(countdd) Specifies the ddname of the count data set to be Default for PARSE: None; must be specified. Note, the physical order in which these are specified in the JCL does not affect the order they are processed in. Using OUREC in SORT JCL - Example. default of 15 digits. Your comment must have arrived while I was writing the answer. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}). Statement OUTREC FIELDS=(1:6,25,26:46,5) is coded to specify that field at position (6 to 30 i.e. The below is what I think you are trying to do. Is it possible to rotate a window 90 degrees if it has the same length and width? Build parameter can be used in OUTFIL statement also. Multiplication division using DFSORT utility in Mainframe . The sequence number starts at 5 and is incremented by 5 each time. How to use Slater Type Orbitals as a basis functions in matrix method correctly? smith WEDNESDAY 25000 Inputfile for SORT JCL 10 suresh 20000 01 20120203 34 20 NARENDRA 40000 06 20120925 AB 30 jacob A 25000 07 20111018 1A 40 RAMESH 34000 03 20120610 2C 50 Kishore 50000 02 . Example: Reformat each record by doing various types of find and replace operations. vijay XXX 24000 Lets say we have a file with a date in a particular position and we want to select only records where the date is greater than the current or a particular date + or N number of days and it can be 0 to 9999. //SORTIN DD DSN=DEPT.EMPL.DATA.OUTPUT1,DISP=SHR (note, this was the question that existed when the first answer was written and does not relate now to the above code). Use a WHEN=ANY clause after multiple WHEN=(logexp) clauses to apply additional build or overlay items to your input records if they satisfied the criteria for any of the preceding WHEN=(logexp) clauses. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. OUTREC FIELDS=(1,54,..)copies first 54 bytes of input file data to output as it is. Reformatting Records Using OUTREC - Part 1 OUTREC FIELDS=(..,55,8,Y4W,ADDYEARS,+2,TOJUL=Y4T(/)) adds +2 years to the date in the input file and converts it to Julian date before writing it to output file from 68th position. SMITH WED 25000 //SORTOUT DD DSN=DEPT.EMPL.DATA.OUTPUT1, As you coded later, SFF should work depending on your release of Syncsort. There. count record length does not exceed a specific maximum (for example,

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