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Please, donate, and help them do their job. And I've heard several things about it.That it's really bad. Before Woodrow Wilson sent all our boys to war.We have got to wake up. That's 800-4-Relief. Get the buy one, get one free offer. Huh.By the way, national clearance rates for rape, were 30 percent.So you've got a 70 percent chance of getting away with rape. Police are continuing to search for 14 of Cajuns we will keep you updated on those details as we get them. We want to come back, Portland, but it's too dangerous for our employees, and we're hemorrhaging product.Now, let me ask you. I don't know how far. It is now day after day after day.That's the thing that you should worry about. fascinator trends 2021; wild wonderful off grid 1 to 50 Wearing the mask.Looked at each other.And went, yes, sir.And turned around and walked out.Police are still looking for them.STU: Wow.GLENN: The pastor said, I've got to find this. And all of the Republicans have all said, this is out of control. Not necessarily in that order. King hit on my wife.STU: Right. As I just mentioned, I have met him before.GLENN: I know. Have rigged all arms depot within the breakaway region, including the depot with explosives. But that's not what -- unfortunately, you're not -- actually, fortunately, you're not president.Unfortunately, someone better than the current president is not president. I told you so!Yet, nothing changes. Or nothing changes.You can feel vindicated, you can feel good. Is our critical infrastructure, which our government is doing nothing to prepare.All we're doing is sending our money, over to the most corrupt country in the world.And making ourselves a bigger target. This would require state . You know, when we left -- oh, you'll never be. Glenn Beck, (born February 10, 1964, Mount Vernon, Washington, U.S.), American conservative political commentator and television and radio personality, perhaps best known for hosting the talk show Glenn Beck (2009-11) on the Fox News Channel (FNC). When the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard. And the Chinese said that he was breaking the pot of China, which is an expression for the Chinese of don't bite the hand that feeds you.And they want him to stop drawing attention to the origins. There was none available at the time, when I looked. B.B. If I'm not mistaken, I don't have it in front of me. The podcast division. War continues to loom, especially now with the worlds most sinister nations Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and others working toward strengthened nuclear programs with the West as target #1. And what did that do?Set up World War II.We're doing the same thing. The time to act now, against Iran is almost at zero.Okay? You said no, effectively.And you said, that your Twitter posts consisted of mystery novels, events at the White House Historical Association, Pittsburgh sports teams, and my dog. We all knew they were giving -- but if he would have said, you know what, we're with you until the very end.And the very end, we look at this as regime change in Washington. We're sending the firefighter jets. But he is hawkish on this.STU: Right. You know, the rate at which they're solving them.It dropped from 71 percent, to an all-time low of 50 percent. We're telling China, that, you know, we're going to hold you to a different standard.Meanwhile, Putin's cronies are threatening to nuke England. We have somebody who is a lefty.And on the second hearing, in the Senate, she was kind of caught in a little trap. But he's a legend, okay? But the police aren't showing up. We'll give up the areas we've taken over.Such a thing would lead to a domestic explosion, and Russia would find itself in a Civil War.Russia cannot lose under any circumstance, since a single step backward, would lead to a thousand steps backwards.Russia will fight to the end, because we simply cannot stop. They fought for 11 or 12 rounds, Beck says, and Louis was the favorite. And knowing, oh, boy. President Bidens nominee to be Americas national archivist, Colleen Shogan, has promised to be non-partisan if granted the role. MyPillow 2.0.Remember, it's the promo code Beck, that will give you that savings. Excuse me?Someone must pay the price, for what is happening in our society. Steve Deace calls it like it is and stands tall when others are afraid. She read to students also, When Aidan Becomes a Brother, which is about transitioning surgery and hormones.She was telling the kids, that -- by the way, that book has just been banned in Florida. Dugin said -- and all of this is a quote. And then there was male/female. I thought it just dropped. Why were -- how did that happen?STU: You have a lot of questions on that?GLENN: Yeah. Glenn Beck. He reiterated, FBI has done a lot of stuff. While Joe Biden voters, drank champagne in the streets, to celebrate his election. And how dare you. Is not as good as a male doing that.STU: I don't know. It uses artificial intelligence to destroy the family, sex, and the nature of human beings. Russian hacker. But we don't talk about that. What meaning does your testimony even have? There's trouble.STU: Hmm. It is going to happen. And all that bullcrap, that you knew was bullcrap. And to be in a -- you have put me in a position, to where I can choose my sponsors.And I turned down much more than I accept.The Tunnel2Towers Foundation is an extraordinary charity. India?Iran? And we're working hard on coming up with some new things. We get all the guys here, just put them in skirts.STU: I don't know how that would -- I mean, that might be something you like, but it's not something that I think would affect the quality of the podcasts.GLENN: No, no, no. We're not going to send missiles. But thinks it's winning. But the pastor and his congregation used quick thinking and PRAYER to stop the potential travesty. Let's first hit the -- hmm. What was it, Stu?Do you remember? The long version is like eight minutes. I don't know Democrats that ask for this. They will not want to give up on. I praised God, that God sent them in here because I think the devil meant this for evil.Then he said, but you are messing with the wrong guy. The Glenn Beck Program - iHeart Bit by bit, the powers have had to admit the truth behind most of the conspiracy theories, that they so violently attacked. DRAFT for Ukraineor does he? Love your neighbor. Who would do that?GLENN: This is sad. glenn beck today show transcript - We just have to start saying it out loud.. I mean, we'll play this. Transcript of Newt Gingrich interview - Glenn Beck And we're now paying the Ukrainian pension fund!Did you approve this? Even if they have to go by themselves, they will.On February 18th, North Korea conducted a test of nuclear capable intercontinental ballistic missiles. But he uses the word hermaphrodite in it. There's a great evil happening in our country. This is doing. If it's coming from me. It's in Ferguson. That doesn't seem like a good thing to me.Because they always seem to miss all of the bullets. That are on the FBI's most wanted list for terrorism.We haven't even begun to pay for the open border through terrorism. Because we have an endless supply of cheap energy. A couple hundred bucks. We are currently enrolling students for on-campus classes and scheduling in-person campus tours. Use, and promo code Glenn, and you will save.STU: Right. There are only about five countries that can do it. That's fair. Why were -- what? God is about to change the plan of the enemy. But also the trafficking of humans.The trafficking -- you know, we know Iran has sent terrorists, that we have by chance caught. Because you've testified under oath, that you only posted about your dog, sports teams, and novels. I don't know.The debate, is it time to stop arming Ukraine tonight? Where is that attitude?So we are now worried about the things that are causing our instability, but we're doing a lot of the instability-making, you know. Weird Al has been doing a concert tour over the past few years. And I don't see how this stops. I love the guy. All right. We are more concerned today about what shoe is going to drop next. The Best Conservative Podcasts - TheBlaze Are now worried about our credibility. We're already paying them over time, just to do regular stuff. This is GBTV and the truth lives here. Assault, 47 percent.Robbery, they catch you about 27 percent of the time.Burglaries, theft, and arsons. Ten-second station ID. So the reason why he -- they're now coming out and saying, yeah. But then they started breaking down and cracking down on their protesters.And Biden says, he's willing to use force as a last resort. In this clip, Glenn details the latest in the nuclear arms racewhich America seems to be losing. But I walk in -- I walk in, and she slept during the concert. Children are dying. That's not the same. The power isn't taken back. A private meeting with Weird Al. All these things have happened with the exception of planes, and now we have Republicans saying, we should be sending the planes. But I do want to understand their side of it. Doctors. You have a whole host. Listen to the podcast The Steve Deace Show Weekdays 12pm-2pm ET National politics, Christian worldview and principled conservatism with a snarky twist. Uh-huh. What's the problem there? Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. You keep saying there's only two genders. You know, if there was like a -- I don't know. I really am.But it is, I believe, my calling to warn you of what is possibly coming. And he looks at them, and says, lift your voice up to God.Pray with us, will you? We have been telling the left forever, why are you in bed with all of these horrible people, that are Muslim extremists?Because they'll kill you first. I told you that there was an ammunition storage facility in Moldova. This is -- this is a woman testifying yesterday in front of Congress, two of her children were killed by fentanyl. Again, too many names. As you drift away at night, you'll wake up in the morning, refreshed. Because he's currently doing that. What is victory? 2023 MERCURY RADIO ARTS.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. And you and I went back and forth about it. Right.STU: And my understanding, a Herman after tight, no longer the accepted term. However, there are now four countries, all aligned against America and against the West. If you have a Chernobyl accident, from fighting, you could have -- it would just be a global catastrophe. Because I think to summarize it as, does he agree with what the Biden administration is doing, is probably completely unfair.GLENN: No. Well, she was back. Any; Short; Long; Now, he's a former police officer, and now a pastor. Because they don't say the same things in Arabic, that they will in English.But I want you to be well aware, of what is being said there.There is just a -- an interview, that happened on Arabia. laredo news car accident today. What to call it.They have dehumanized a child and taught that it, is a proper pronoun, for people you don't know the sex of.It! And I walk closer. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Viva la France. Stay awake. We'll never know. And now, murder rate is up. Why?Because you don't arrest anybody who is stealing. Women.STU: No. Hello, and welcome to the Glenn Beck Program. We don't know. We know that our police, are not able to do their job, because the left has turned America against the police.Did you know that 50 percent of murders in the US are going unsolved now? Are we willing to risk an all-out war in Ukraine?I don't want the government to continue this escalation. The Glenn Beck Program - TheBlaze And now you're sitting here stonewalling, not answering questions about public posts that you made. I want somebody that nobody even cares to meet. You just told me now under oath, that you stood by that. He has a list. Oh, they're so boring.But just tolerate it, because the stuff in the vault is really cool. If only we had refrained from destroying the Soviet Union, or had broken the necks of Gorbachev and Yeltsin at the right time.In my opinion, this is Aleksandr Dugin on Saudi Arabian television, that has just been translated. I am so sick of hearing this.This will just empower election deniers. Two-star general Jerry Boykin to join me. Aired October 12, 2007 - 19:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. Elton John. And it is easy to define. Because we're stable.But we're unstable now. (music)So how are you sleeping? Not down.And you talk about children being taken away from their parents! And I was like, this guy sounds funny. And they will burn in hell, and be destroyed in flames.If we send any more weaponry. The emperor has no clothes.More in just a second. Can you tell me -- what's on your tweets. GLENN Russia wants to bring about a NEW WORLD ORDER, and WE are antagonizing them to do it RADIO Ron DeSantis: How COURAGE made Florida America's red state RADIO WATCH: Biden 'announces' U.S. Something is about to happen. He may be crazy. And it is so satisfying. We are also paying Ukraine's pensions?Social Security is on the ropes here? He's like, hey, you. Retweet a post, ban assault weapons now. Loved him since back in the day.GLENN: I believe he's been on the show.STU: You know, we met him once when he was in New York. Oh, take two. glenn beck today show transcript. That was the argument. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. News Politics Update frequency: every 10 hours Average audio length: 88 minutes English United States Germans said, it wasn't Russia. What do I do?So he does, what I don't think anybody else would do. Sacre bleu. But I can also understand how, I don't know. And they have dedicated themselves for the last 20-plus years.To keep that story alive. But that's the way it's happening at MyPillow.Technology changes over time. Joe Biden A cunning leader knows that power once granted, is rarely returned. She hates B.B. FBI came out, this is Christopher Ray. So who was it?China? So its time to call them out. You don't have to just think of -- I want to add two more things to this pile. A recent poll from the State Policy Network Survey shows that Americans are BEYOND worried about nearly everything: Food affordability and shortages, inflation, rising energy prices, and possible nuclear war. Glenn Beck - Rumble Saying, we are with you, in this fight.And this fight is unlimited, and it will only end with regime change.What the hell do you think that means to Russia?And now, after we're sending all this, we actually think we have the right to tell China, don't send any military aid to Russia.Who the hell do we think we are?We're on the wrong side.We -- this is the beginning, of real darkness.We are on the wrong side.And I'm not saying China and Russia are the right side. The Glenn Beck Program's tracks Best of the Program | Guests: Rep Thomas Massie, Rep. Chris Stewart & Ezra Levant | 2/5/20 by The Glenn Beck Program published on 2020-02-06T06:35:44Z. But if you are desperate for a solution to your sleep, may I recommend Relief Sleep. We had a little blip in the '50s, where we were putting people like Dalton Trump in jail. Well, I don't know. Twenty-sixth of May, 2022, you talk about an assaults weapon ban. We know that. So I want to know where that -- where does that line end with him?STU: And what are we doing wrong, right?GLENN: Correct. You can't do that. Not going to happen.VOICE: And there's long records, which includes compensations for the damage inflicted, and accountability for creators of crimes. But I also don't think World War III will end well. Do you remember in Ukraine, where this nuclear complex came under Russian control for a while?And everybody was worried that they were going to destabilize it, and use it. Are we solving that? It's usually wrong. Made with temperature-regulating technology, 100 percent made in the USA, the pillow comes with a ten-year warranty and a 60-day money-back guarantee. This is crazy.Well, there are two bills to impeach him. That is worth it. But we've already warned him. The Glenn Beck Program Transcripts | Podgist

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